Moral Of The Story

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Hi! I will be referencing lyrics to the song: Moral Of The Story, by Ashe...So I recommend you put the song on loop for this whole chapter!
(Your POV)
So I never really knew you
God I really tried to
Blindsided, addicted
Thought we could really do this
But I was really foolish
Hindsight is obvious

As you stood above Levi's aching body. All your senses went blank, except sight. You couldn't hear Erwin's yells, you couldn't smell the horrific smell of blood which filled the room, you couldn't move a muscle, you couldn't taste the irony taste of blood pooling in your mouth, you could only see. You saw Levi's aching body curled up on the ground, blood pouring out of his nose, knuckle marks all over his face. You saw him cough hysterically while holding his neck.
You just realized what you had done. Your jaw dropped open and your ran out of the room, not acknowledging Erwin screaming at you. Everything seemed like it was moving in slow motion. You ran straight to your room and payed no attention to the concerned soldiers passing you.

Some mistakes get made that's alright that's ok
You can think that your in love when your really just in pain
Some mistakes get made that's alright that's ok
In the end it's better for me
That's the moral of the story, babe...

You slammed the door behind you and fell to the ground immediately when you walked in the room. You felt like you couldn't breathe. No air was going down your throat. You were just choking on your own tears...
'tears?' You thought, 'I haven't cried in years...not since I left home...'
You tumbled to your back on your cold bedroom floor and hyperventilated. Suddenly, all the pain came flooding in. You head pounded. You fists felt shattered. Your back was killing you. And your neck, your neck was as red as a tomato.
You felt your neck and looked over all your body, everything was red, some even covered in blood.
You felt drowsy, your consciousness began to slip away, you last thought was, 'Levi...w-e are supposed to fight tog-gether...'

You woke up on your bedroom floor feeling physically refreshed, but mentally drained. You stood up and walked to the bathroom. You washed off the dried blood on you. You weren't sure if it was yours of Levi's. You walked out of the bathroom and looked out your window, the sun was setting. That's when it hit you, "Oh God! Erwin is gonna kill me!" You said out loud. You ran out your door, and still your mind was blank. As you ran through the halls, you felt many eyes watching you. It didn't bother you, no body paid much attention to you before.

You came to Erwin's office door and pounded on it, "Commander! Commander!"
"Come in." Erwin said.
You burst into the room. "Commander, I'm sorry, let me explain!" You said out of breath.
Erwin looked at you with a worried face and stood up out of his chair, "(Y/N)! Your neck!"
"What? What about it?" You picked up a spoon on Erwin's desk and looked in your reflection. There were 2 perfectly outlined, purple grip marks around your neck. Levi's grip marks. You gasped, "Commander listen!—"
Erwin cut you off, "No (Y/N), you listen to me. How am I supposed to trust you again. I walk in and I see you beating the shit out of the Captain. What am I supposed to do? I have soldiers asking me what the hell happened in here. And to be honest, I haven't a clue. Levi ran out of the room shortly after you!"
You took a seat and pleaded your case, "That's the problem Sir! I hear all this talk about how great Ackerman is? Why can't I ever witness it?"
"Are you saying you beat Levi to see how much he could do?" Erwin questioned aggressively.
"No sir! It's just, how am I supposed to trust him on the battlefield if I don't know what he's fully capable of? He hasn't shown me his skills or what he is good at! And the only reason we started fighting was because he made a totally unprofessional comment which frankly deserved a good punch!" You pleaded.
Erwin responded with a disappointed look on his face, "(Y/N) if what you are saying is true, I will speak with Levi. I'll be sure to get to the bottom of it."
You sighed in relief, "Thank you Commander."
Erwin nodded at you, signalling you to leave. And you did so.

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