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(Your POV)

The sun has set. Darkness has now awoken. I changed into dark black clothes, trying not to be seen. I took a few essentials like knifes, and snuck out of scout HQ.
I crept through the dark streets, peering around every corner looking for gangs. Eventually, I made my way to the destination. The stairs to the underground.
I paid my fare and headed down. The underground was quiet tonight.
I carefully made my way back to the house. Being extremely careful, I quietly opened the front door, went in the closet, got out my special jacket and headed back out. I made sure not to wake up the kids.
I climbed up on the roof of my house and stood there for a second, adjusting my jacket and hood over my head.
"Where are you now Kenny..." I sighed out loud as I looked over the streets.
I checked the usual spots. No Kenny. I looked in alleyways and dark corners, but no Kenny.
I almost started to lose hope.
"BOO!" Someone surprised from behind me on the rooftops.
I instantly whipped out my knives and spun around.
I held the knives to their neck. When a small laugh escaped them, "Jeez kid! I'm just playing around!"
I sighed in relief. I recognized him, it was Kenny.
"Dammit Kenny..." I exhaled and lowered my weapons.
He slouched. "Sheesh kid, what's got you so on edge? And why are you back down here?"
I sat down on the roof and lowered my hood a tad bit. With a large sigh, I drooped my back and buried my face in my hands.
"I've fuck up Kenny. Big time."
I felt Kenny sit down beside me.
"what happened?" He asked sympathetically.
I turned my head to him and rested my head on my hand, "The scouts all came back alive the other day...we had to appear in front of the Premier. Long story short, I beat up just about all the garrison and MP's who attended. They are anxious to see my face..."
Kenny exhaled. "shit..."
"Running away sounds pretty good just about know..." I admitted.
Kenny gave me a strange look. I could infer that he was about to ask, 'what about levi? What about the life you've made?'
"Look Kenny, your nephew's great and all...but...the whole reason I joined the scouts was an attempt to gain enough information to break him out of jail. I owed him that much. Things have gotten out of hand...way too out of hand..." I groaned. "I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with him...but that would never in a million years be an option... I could fake my he doesn't come looking for me...I could change my hair colour and style...maybe get a fresh start, run away from all this nonsense......It's just that I'm too courageous and strong, and levi...he's just to clingy and subordinate...It would save us both in the long run for us to just cut it off here..."
I bit my lip and thought over my words.
"Has he ever told you why he's so 'clingy', (Y/N)?" Kenny asked.
"nope." I responded.
Kenny laid down on his back.
"His mom, my sister, died when he was only just a little tiny brat. I found him and took him in for a few years...but I left him, I just wasn't cut out to be someone's dad. And with him being in the scouts, I can only imagine all the friends and comrades he's lost..." Kenny turned to look at me now, "The point is (Y/N), the boy's lost too many people in his life. If he lost would kill him..."
I sat in silence and just let out a simple, "hm..."
"I can only assume that Levi took a big gamble getting involved with you...He knows he could lose you, and that it would deeply hurt him...but he tool that risk. For you." Kenny mumbled and looked to the ceiling.
"What would be the better option Kenny? Letting him die, but still dying in love with me? Or dealing with the heartbreak if I fake my death, but still being able to live? I've already taught insurmountable skills and tactics to the scouts. I've left Levi papers in the case of my death explaining every single move I have ever learned in great detail. Things are aligned in the perfect way for me to run away. What do you think I should do Kenny?" I had a bit of annoyance in my voice.
Kenny now stayed quiet.
"I know that me leaving, would mentally kill him, but he would have to believe I was dead. He wouldn't stop looking for me if he knew what I did. And the way things are heading with the scouts, I think my identity will be revealed very soon. Erwin, Levi and I will all be publicly executed." I laid back on the roof next to Kenny.
We laid quietly beside each other for a bit before Kenny sat up and looked down at me.
His mouth dropped with surprise. "What happened to your face kid? You've got a black eye!" He yelled.
I touched my face, wondering what was wrong with it. I winced at the touch, and remembered what happened.
"Oh...The Commander got mad after this morning's meeting with the Premier. He specifically told me not to make a scene, and I did. I made a huge scene. He beat me up a bit afterwards, I let him beat me up. It felt good to get punished for something for once." I explained.
Kenny gulped and laid back down next to me.
"Have you ever considered that Levi might want to run away with you?" Kenny questioned.
I said with a stern face, "Even if he did want to, I wouldn't let him. I wont drag him into the giant mess I've made."
Kenny crossed his arms behind his head and stretched.
"So? Throwing your life away? Again?" Kenny asked rhetorically.
I mirrored his actions. "If things get bad enough...yup."
Kenny purposely sighed.
"Do me a favour would ya? If it comes to it, I'll let you know beforehand. But...just take care of levi, and don't let him be hung up on it for too long please?" I asked softly.

If it came to the point where I felt my identity was about to be revealed, I would fake my death. Or pull another stunt. I knew deep down that Levi would be absolutely heartbroken over my death. I saw just how upset he was when he saw me almost give up against the fight to Reiner...But I've hinted and told him countless amounts of times, that if I had to, I would run away. But I only hoped he listened when I told him that there would be no possible way for a mere human to kill me, not without my own permission. Some part of me hopes that if I do fake my death, Levi realizes that I just ran away and he accepts it. I hope he wont come looking for me. I hope he moves on. I hope he's smart enough to understand why I did what I did.

Kenny replied, "sure hun."
I smiled with a little bit of relief. "If you feel the time is right, you can tell him some day that it was fake, and why I ran away."
Kenny nodded in response.
He patted me on the shoulder. "I'm proud of you kid."
Those words paralyzed me. I couldn't even begin to explain how much they meant to me. I never had anyone in my life to say they were proud of me before.
Before I could even speak, I launched myself at him. Tackling him in a hug. He chuckled a bit.
"Thanks Kenny...for everything..." I almost teared up.
Kenny hugged me back.
"Well. You should get going now, wouldn't want anyone to think you are dead just yet!" Kenny joked.
I laughed a little and pulled away from the hug. "Yea, haha. I'll see ya later Kenny. Thanks for hearing me out!" I said.
Kenny stood up and tilted his hat to me, to say goodbye.
I pulled my hood back all the way over my face and then gave him a quick smile.
Then, I turned away. Jumping and running from roof to roof.
I was so close to the stairs back up, it was within my view.

But that's when everything went black.
This chapter was short so that I can make next chapter really suspenseful. Next chapter huge shit is going down. You're not gonna want to miss it!

Back to you (Levi x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora