Hold on

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(Levi POV)

I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but (Y/N) seemed off. It might've been that run in we had with the guy in the alley, but something was bugging her.

The rest of the day was peaceful. It wasn't as exciting for (Y/N) and I because we had already seen the surface, but the orphans thought it was magical. While we lay on the grass together, I looked at (Y/N)'s face. She looked at peace. But at the same time, she had the most chilling look on her. I wasn't the best at reading people, but this, I could tell that there was something deep down, far more complex, eating at (Y/N). I chose not to bug her about it, it seemed like she needed to figure it out herself.

We had dinner at the surface and headed back down underground. It was about 8pm now. The kids didn't want to leave, but they knew that they had to. It was weird, (Y/N) didn't talk to me much for the rest of the day. I tried to make some small talk, but she avoided all long questions. She didn't look sad at all, more just  deep in thought. That was ok.

Eventually, we got back to the house. (Y/N) looked exhausted when she plopped on the couch. The kids, like always, ran inside and dumped out their bags they got from the surface. (Y/N) didn't pay much attention to them, or me. I sat on a chair and watched the kids play, when something caught my eye. I saw (Y/N) smirk and then walk out the door. She motioned for me to stay here. After about 30 minutes, (Y/N) walked back in the house with a slight smile. She walked to the stairs, and put one foot on a step, she smiled and motioned for me to come with her. I was a little confused, but I went with her because she had finally payed attention to me. I walked up the stairs after her.
"Put on some dark clothes, and make sure they are easy to move around in." (Y/N) whispered to me at the top of the stairs.
I had no idea what she was planning or talking about, but again, I went along with it.
I got changed into some dark, sporty clothes and walked into the hall. (Y/N) was waiting for me. She wore black leggings and a tight shirt that fit her curves perfectly.
"My eyes are up here." She ordered as she lifted my face to meet hers.
I hadn't realized it, but I was staring directly at her boobs. Oops.
She laughed at my embarrassed reaction and whispered, "ok, come with me out back."
I nodded submissively. Gosh, every time (Y/N) looks at me like that, I always freeze up...
She quietly led me down the stairs and we sneeked out the back door.
"Don't worry this time. Just close your eyes for one second pretty please?" She whispered seductively in my ear.
I closed my eyes immediately. I heard some light rummaging, and movement. I was a little curious to see what she was doing, I almost peeked open my eye, but she stopped me.
She whispered again, "Ok I'm sorry, I lied. I am going to need you to close your eyes for just a little longer."
I sighed playfully, "Ok, I'll trust you."
She giggled.
I felt her lift up my leg, I was completely lost at what she was doing. She silently lifted up my other leg, and then rummaged around roughly with my pants...I couldn't help but feel a certain way...
She let out a slight laugh but then covered it up quickly, "Sorry, just um...hold on?"
I immediately blushed at her answer, what did that even mean? Hold on?
I tried to forget about it to make my visible emotion go away.
(Y/N) stayed quite for a little longer before speaking again, "Ok, keep your eyes closed just a little longer ok?"
"Ok" I responded intrigued.
Suddenly, I felt (Y/N) lift me off the ground effortlessly and pull me into a half hug-half carry.
I was beyond confused now, almost getting to the point of being a little angry that she wasn't telling me anything.
"Ok, hold on!" She said quietly.
I was surprised she could lift me so easily. I guess she was reallllllly strong.
I felt cold air flow through my hair. Something about this feeling was familiar, but I had no time to think about it, because we had already landed.
"Ok! Open your eyes!" (Y/N) screamed.
I slowly opened my eyes. (Y/N) stood in front of me with a wide genuine smile on her face. She was also wearing full ODM gear. 'where did she get it? We left our gear back at HQ?' You thought to yourself.
We stood on a tall rooftop in the underground, with a perfect view of the whole place. It was kind of pretty.
Before I knew it, (Y/N) ran over to me and hugged me tightly. "I thought maybe we could zip around the city together? I brought you some gear and stuff!"
I pulled away from the hug and stared at her (E/C) eyes. My mouth dropped open. No one had ever done something this thoughtful for you before.
Her genuine smile was beautiful, something rare and precious. You felt honoured to see it.
You chuckled softly, "I had no idea you were that strong, to carry me & all this gear here?"
She scratched the back of her neck, "I guess..."
She looked back up to you, staring in your eyes.
You pulled her up to you. Her curvy waist against you. You tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and leaned in t0 her.
"So...how much longer will I have to...'hold on'?" You said in a deep raspy voice in her ear that you knew would make her blush. You pulled back to see her reaction. Her eyes widened, and a deep red flew across her face. She subtly shook her head to snap out of it. (Y/N) smirked and moved into my ear. Her left hand crept down to my belt, tugging at it ever so slightly, and her right hand slipped up the back of my shirt. How did she know exactly what would get me going?
You gulped, trying to hold back the feeling.
(Y/N) leaned into your ear and whispered in a sexy voice, "as long as I want captain..." She seductively licked my earlobe.

That was it. That was the last straw. I couldn't hold on any longer.
I quickly grabbed her wrist, leaving her no time to react. I pinned her to the ground, our bodies now touching, and our faces only a hair apart. She looked at me in my cold grey eyes and cooed, "Now, now captain, I planned this whole date for us, I wouldn't want all this preparation to go to waste...So...until after, my legs are staying closed!"
I growled and flopped over beside (Y/N). Sooo much waiting....ughhhh....
(Y/N) smiled and then got on top of me. She pushed my hair out of my face and then leaned in to my face. Her (H/C) hair caged around me. Her face was about an inch from mine, "Hopefully this can tie you over..."
She closed the gap between us, and kissed me lustfully. Her soft hand grasped my straight black hair. She purposefully grinded herself against my crotch. God...(Y/N) is so fucking hot...I want this to last forever...
But nothing good lasts forever...after about a minute, (Y/N) pulled off of you, leaving you on the ground. Your chest was puffing up and down, and you breathed heavily. You stared up to the sky in awe.
"Don't worry Levi, after this, I'm all yours. But get up now, I wanna go!" (Y/N) said as she stood above you.
She pulled you to your feet, knowing you were still dazed off. You were practically drooling after what (Y/N) just did to you.
(Y/N) brought over your ODM gear and got on her knees, innocently trying to help you put your gear on.
But that's not what you thought of ;)
As she fiddled around with your gear, she looked up to your face and saw your smirk. (Y/N) quickly connected the dots and realized what you were thinking. She rolled her eyes and continued to do up your gear, "Gosh Levi! Is it that hard to get you to wait an hour or 2?!" (Y/N) said frustrated. She stood up to her feet and looked you in the eyes with her hands placed on her hips, expecting an answer from you.
You smirked seductively, "i can't help it, I just loveee seeing you on your knees in front of me..." You winked.
(Y/N) scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever, we are all set. Let's get going."

(Y/N) quickly zoomed off, and you followed her. She let out a loud "WHEEEEEEEE!" As she flew through the city.
You couldn't help but smile at her having fun. You both flew together from building to building with wide grins on your face. (Y/N) did a few flips in the air and looked at you. You laughed back at her. Air zipped past your face, and gave you a peaceful feeling of freedom. You didn't have a worry in the world when you were with (Y/N).
(Y/N) quickly zoomed up to you and grabbed you. You yelped, as the sudden movement startled you. She laughed happily as she held you in her left arm and grappled with her right arm. Sweetly, she kissed you on the cheek and laughed, keeping her eyes on the terrain in front of her, "I guess I am pretty strong..." (Y/N) smirked and winked.
Weirdly, you knew exactly what she was talking about ;)

You both flew through the air in complete content. (Y/N) looked a lot happier than before.
She did an impressive trick, clearly trying to show off. She used her grapples to spin her counterclockwise really fast, but still going the direction she was heading. I smiled and zoomed off the her. I flew right beside her, "You show off  *tch*"
"Show me some of your moves then!" She laughed.
I was up to the challenge. I dashed up ahead of her.
1 grapple to my left, 1 grapple to my right. I used the tension from the grapples and power from my speed, to do a slingshot maneuver and fling right back to (Y/N), of course, I did a couple of backflips on the way. When I got back to (Y/N) she had a weird look on her face. She grabbed my hand and hurriedly dragged us to a building right beside us. She pulled me to the ground on top of her and said in a really hot, out of breath voice, "that was really really hot..."
(Y/N) wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a lustful kiss. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me down onto her.
I wan't complaining, but I wasn't really sure I wanted to do it on a dirty rooftop...but then again, if we went back to her house there would be lots of kids running around and that would definitely ruin the mood...
But that's when you had an idea, you could take her back to your old house..
"I know you've been patient...so tonight I'll let you do whatever you want to me k?" (Y/N) moaned in between kisses.
You hated to break up this moment between you two, especially because of what (Y/N) just said to you. But you wanted it to be perfect, so you had to.
You scooped up (Y/N) in your arms and stood up.
She groaned, "Come onnnnnn Levi! If this is your way at getting back at me from before, than you have really succeeded in making me pissed off..."
You held her against you and zoomed off, "shhh, it's ok, I'm just taking us somewhere comfortable..."
I think u can guess what's happening next chapter ;)

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