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(Levi POV)

Fuck, what the hell just happened. Is she going to turn me in? What was that kiss? Did she really mean what she just said? 'Dammit. I have to go find Isabelle and Farlan, she knows who they are.' You yelled at yourself. You ran out the door, searching for them for about 10 minutes when you found Isabelle wandering the streets. "Come on Isabelle we have to go now" You told her in a rush.
"Wait what's happening bro?"

"There is no time to explain. We have to find Farlan. Do you know where he is?"

"Uh I think he's around the middle of town."

"Come on lets go."

You both ran to get Farlan. Once you found him you all raced back to the house and quickly explained everything.
"I ran into this girl. Turns out she was the one we have been stealing those boxes of food from. But those boxes were for the orphans. She buys them with her own money. Something was off about this girl, she knew about ODM gear, and she beat my ass in a fight." You said pointing to all the knives on the floor. "She's planning to turn us in. She knows where we live. It's not safe here. I doubt she would go straight to the police after our fight, so I suspect we only have till morning to pack our bags and go."
"Dam Levi you've really screwed us on this one." Farlan said with a sigh.
"No time to dwell on the past, lets get moving." Said Isabelle with courage.

(Your POV)

As I walked out of Levi's house, I couldn't help feel guilty. I was a horrible person for doing this, but if it meant getting out of the underground, then it was worth it.
As you dragged your feet home, you thought about what would happen to him. Would he be locked in jail? Executed? Tortured?  "Why do you care (Y/N)?" You questioned yourself.
Maybe it was the fact that you were so similar. Or that he was so powerless against you back there. But it could be the fact that you did like Levi, but you didn't show it much. That's what a great thief and killer does. Doesn't show emotion. You could tell back in the house that Levi was trying to do that tough boy act, but you saw right past it. You saw in his cold grey eyes, trauma and pain. The new you wanted to just sit down and talk with him for hours, he looked like he had many stories to tell; but the old you, the one you brought back today, didn't want to. You just wanted to get the job done and be over it.

(At your house)

As you plopped against your bed once again in exhaustion, you thought of what Levi was doing right now. 'He's probably gathered all his accomplices and told them what happened. Right now they are most likely wondering where to go as they pack up their things.'
You stared at the ceiling in wonder. Is there a way for both of you to make it out of here? Could there be a way to avoid turning him in after all but still achieve your goal? You quickly decided that preserving your new self and not reverting back to your old cowardly ways, was much more important than ruining someone's life. It would be more merciful to kill him and end his suffering than to ruin his life.
You sat up at your table grabbed a pen and paper and wrote him a letter:


I have decided not to turn you in

Don't steal from me anymore

One day I hope I find you again so we can sit down and converse about life

Behind your cold grey eyes, I see pain

So, somewhere in the future if  we run into each other again

Let's talk,

Because it would be nice to chat with someone so similar to myself.

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