Special Operations Officer (Y/N)

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(Your POV)
—the next morning—

Yesterday after your training with Levi, you both spent the rest of the day talking by the meadow and sharing titan killing tactics.
You slept in Levi's bed that night. Nothing happened, you just wanted to be with Levi.
It was now 6:30 am. Your first day of training soldiers started at 7am. You rolled out of bed and put back on your same scout uniform from yesterday. But your shirt was dirty, so you needed to wear one of Levi's.
"Levi! Levi!" You whispered while shaking him.
"W-what?" He said sleepily.
"You need to wake up! Training starts in 30 minutes! Also, can I borrow one of your shirts for today?" You said to Levi.
"Ok..." He responded.
"Thanks..."You stated, "Levi, I don't want anyone to know about our relationship just yet...Let's just keep it strictly professional today ok?"
"I understand." Levi mumbled.
You started to put on a white dress shirt. The silence in the room was awkward. You looked over to Levi, he had a sorta sad/angry expression on his face. "What's wrong?" You asked him.
He replied, "Everything's fine. Just, those guys out there know me as humanity's strongest soldier...so I gotta act the part."
You walked over to him and placed a hand on his face, "I know...I'm sorry too in advance if I act cold or mean towards you, I need these guys to respect me."
Levi smiled genuinely back at you. Once you both were ready, you walked beside each other unsuspiciously down to the training grounds. "I'm going to be teaching them exactly what I showed you yesterday, so I might need your help with demonstrating." You said to Levi. "Alright." He replied back.
You both got to the training grounds a bit early, and saw Erwin there waiting for you both.
"Have you two chatted since yesterday?" He asked towards you with a questioning look on his face.
"Yes. Ackerman and I have talked and are prepared to fight side by side with each other." You responded with a expressionless face.
"Great! Let's get to training then." Erwin  said.


Scouts began to pile into the training ground and stood in an organized fashion. There was more here than you thought. Must have been upwards of 150 people.
You 3 stood tall in front of the crowd. You were on the left, Levi was on the right, and Erwin was between you two.
Erwin began with a salute. The soldiers saluted back.
Erwin yelled, "Soldiers! I will begin today's training by reminding you all where your loyalties lay. If I find out there is any sort of betrayal to the scouts by any one of you, there WILL be consequences." Erwin stopped to catch his breath and he looked down at you. You nodded back. You were happy Erwin had addressed the scouts in a good manner.
"My scouts! I would like to introduce to you 'special operations officer (Y/N)'! She has high skill in combat and maneuvering! Officer (Y/N) will work alongside Captain Levi to slaughter the titans. You will treat her with your utmost respect. To prepare you all for the expedition in 2 weeks time, Officer (Y/N) will be training all of you here with advanced techniques. I will now pass it off to her." Erwin commanded.

You took a deep breath and began to address the units of soldiers in front of you, "Good morning soldiers, I am special operations officer (Y/N)! In these precious 2 weeks, I will train you soldiers maneuvers and procedures that WILL save your life. If all goes according to plan, I estimate with the help of me and your new acquired skills, the death rate when going beyond the walls will drop in half." The crowd gasped. You took a step forward, and began to eye down every soldier in front of you. You started to walk in front of them, "I wont sugar coat it. Only the strongest of you will survive. I believe each and every one of you has the means and potential to become excellent and survive. But the outcome is all up to you!" You began to scream louder, this time with more passion and aggression, "WILL YOU CRUMBLE UNDER THE PRESSURE OF THIS CRUEL WORLD, LAY DOWN AND DIE? OR WILL YOU STEP UP AND FIGHT FOR HUMANITY AND SURVIE! THE MINUTE EACH OF YOU CHOSE TO DEVOTE YOUR HEARTS TO HUMANITY, THAT WAS THE MOMENT YOU AWAKENED YOUR POTENTIAL BECAUSE ONLY THE STRONGEST AND BRAVEST WILL PUT THEIR OWN LIVES ON THE LINE FOR HUMANITY! SO I WILL YOU ONCE MORE SOLDIERS! STEP UP! USE THESE NEW SKILLS! AND SURVIVE!"
The soldiers screamed with joy and hope. You smiled and turned to walk back to Erwin and Levi. You chuckled to yourself. "You really know how to work a crowd." Levi scoffed. "One of my plans, soldiers will fight with more passion and skill when they have hope." You said with a smirk. While stepping back in line with the Commander and Captain, Erwin shouted, "Settle down now! Let's let the training begin!"

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