Would you maybe want to be my girlfriend

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(Your POV)

I quickly got back to the house. Closing the door behind me, I looked back to make sure no one was following me. I let out a deep breath, when I was suddenly pulled back.
"(y/n)!" Levi whisper yelled.
He threw me back into the small closet near the door.
He noticed the blood on my hands. I put them behind my back, trying to hide them.
"What the hell are you doing! DID YOU KILL SOMEONE?" Levi's tone grew louder, but quiet to make sure the kids didn't hear.
I didn't respond. I didn't know exactly how to tell him.
Levi shook my shoulders, staring worriedly into my eyes.
"(Y/N)! WHY ARE YOU WEARING THE JACKET?" He almost yelled.
I shook my head and stared at the floor.
We stood there in silence. I reached my hand for the door to try to leave.
Levi grabbed my wrist forcefully, "not a chance. Tell me what happened."
I shot my head up from the ground to look at him. I gritted my teeth. He now glared at me concerned.
"Let's get one thing clear." I threw my wrist out of his strong grasp, "I do what I want to protect myself. And some things, I can chose not to tell you." I said fuming with anger and shook my finger in his face.

And then, by surprise, Levi grabbed me by the neck and choked me against the wall, without explanation. Anger was visible in his eyes. He looked at me now without concern, just with anger.

I effortlessly pushed him off me. But he came flying back like a boomerang. He threw me to the ground and immobilized my legs by holding them down with one arm. Levi pushed my back against the wall and put my hands against my back. My hands were now immobilized as well. He held me to the ground by the legs and neck now. I had never been in a hold like this before, and I had no idea how to get out of it, but Levi didn't need to know that.

"You will tell me what you did." He said sternly inches from my face.
I chuckled back smugly, "you really wanna pick a fight with me pretty boy?"

His grip on my neck tightened, and his face moved closer to mine. Clearly, he didn't like me being sassy.
"I'm stronger than you think." He said staring his cold greys eyes at me. His glare was enough to make anyone else piss their pants. But his little front didn't work on me.
I mirrored his emotions, "really? how many times is it now that I have whipped your ass in a fight?"

Levi grunted, now steaming with rage, "just tell me (Y/N)! Trust me!"
I clicked my tongue and thought of the best way to word it. I sat there looking down for a while before speaking.

"I spoke with Kenny. And I may have ran across some men." I said avoiding eye contact with him.
He now loosened his grip.
"What did you do? Did you kill them?" Levi said sounding almost disgusted. He always seemed a little off whenever you talked about death or killing, it was something that puzzled me about Levi.
I didn't answer, it sounded like he already knew what I was going to say.
He gulped and looked at me, "why were you wearing the jacket."
"I had to do business with Kenny." I mumbled with no emotion.
Levi scoffed and let go of me, "really (Y/N)? still playing murderer with Kenny?!" He mocked.
We both had the same reaction from his words, surprised he said that.

I looked to him with a hurt and confused look, but secretly, I didn't really care as much what he said, it was the reason why he said it.
Time and time again, during all our fights, Levi always made a point to bring up my past. He did the same thing in Erwin's office after trading, but this time was different, because you weren't going to beat him up again.

I sighed and looked up to the ceiling. "even after I told you I would kill you on site if you ever mentioned anything about it, you still bring it up. Maybe it's because you know I wont kill you. Maybe it's because you know it will get to me. Maybe it could even be because you think that's the only thing you can hold over me." I sulked, "It won't ever matter to me. I don't regret what I do. Those 2 guys I killed just today were about to rape me. So, I chopped off his balls and rid their filthy existence from this world."
I stood up and handed my jacket to Levi. As it flowed down into his arms, I let out a smile, "And that is something I could never feel bad about."

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