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(Levi POV)

I flipped straight for the papers at the back. I kept a curious and worried face as I prepared myself for what I was about to read.

I took the first paper I saw addressed to me which was at the top of the section.
My dearest Levi,

I'm so sorry I left you. My biggest regret is that I am leaving you alone. I cannot express my sorrow.
Please don't be sad. It was my time to go. I hope that you can carry on alright. With all you have lost, I'm sorry I had to be a part of that. I don't regret for one minute the time we spent together. You are the love of my life, I only hope I was yours.
From the moment I first set eyes on you that day in the underground, I felt a connection to you. I was torn between my feelings, I never wanted to turn you in or cause you grief. I want you to understand that it was not me who turned you in. I would never do that to you. I'm so sorry I hesitated to kill Erwin and his squad, but the truth is, as strong as the scouts are, and as strong and smart as Erwin is, it would've been an easy task to kill them and free you. I remember that day we fought in Erwin's office, I told you that it was mad at you for not showing me your full capabilities. It was extremely wrong of me to be mad about that. I realized that I was doing the same thing to you, I told you the only ones to see my full potential are the ones to bleed out from my cut. But now that I am gone, I have wrote a letter explaining to you my strongest times, I hope it brings you some relief as you read it.
As I write you this letter, I am laughing a little. How bad you were at hand to hand combat, or at least worse than me. I have also wrote another letter descriptively explaining all my best moves and strikes. Ranging from one-shot killing moves, to moves that are certain to get you out of hard situations.
I will arrogantly admit to you now since I have nothing to lose, there is no move great enough or strong enough to kill me or restrain me, the times I have been 'beaten' in a fight, is only because I let them, I hold myself back and let them hurt me.

Levi, I want you to know, I love you, that is all that matters.
Please don't be sad for to long...
A sudden tear surprised me as it fell onto the page. As soon as I finished the letter I immediately searched for the letter she spoke about of her strongest times.
I found it. There were disclaimers written, do not be disgusted by these stories. I warn you now.
I ignored it and started to read.
A time I will never forget in the underground. I think I was about 17 years old. It was just just after the rumours of 'the killer of men' stared circulating.
I was hired to kill a powerful man who was apparently doing some illegal business, but I didn't pay attention to that.
I threw on my signature jacket and set off, with only a few knives.
I was told he was in a shady old building at the very edge of town. I walked into his residence and was greeted by some guards. I slit their throats effortlessly and walked past them.
I walked up the stairs. I head some lively chatter. I opened the door and there sat a the man surrounded by what must've been at least 20 large men, some guards, some friends.
A guard charged at me, I didn't flinch when I slashed his throat. All the other large guards ran at me to try to stop me from getting to their boss. I stabbed one in the heart, palm strikes a few to stop their hearts, and snapped the necks of a few more. I only made the worst targets feel pain, only the ones who deserved it.
Effortlessly, without even getting a single hit on me, I took down all 20 men, leaving just the boss man. He didn't look fearful, almost like he knew this moment would come. I took him by the neck and cut it quickly.
And I just walked out, as if nothing happened. 17 years old, killing people for money. It was just a routine killing until I walked out of the house.
I was met with 10 military police people, they were wearing ODM gear. I hid my face, but I still saw the looks on their faces, they all looked happy, happy that they were about to take down one the most wanted murderers in the underground.
This was the first time I ever felt sick to my stomach. They were so happy now, but in a few short minutes they would be dead. I almost felt like turning myself in there, but I didn't for some reason.
I fought the trained soldiers and killed them all. It was my first time fighting police. I remember them being a little harder to fight, but still I ended up victorious.
That day I left 31 corpses by that home. Not one scratch against me. I gave them all dignified deaths. They died without pain. That was the best I could do for them.
I took a breath to break from the letter. 31 men. As easy as she said it was. 31 men. I didn't feel disgusted now, I felt in awe. I looked at it from a different angle, she took down 31 men, with only a few knives and herself.
Now I realized, this wasn't the time to read this. (Y/N) was still alive!
I quickly put all the papers back and ran back to the infirmary to talk to (Y/N), but I came to a quick halt when I saw (Y/N) talking to Erwin. I listened around the corner.

(Your POV)

Erwin walked in the room. "Hello, (Y/N)." He greeted me.
I sat up in my bed, "commander, hello. i am afraid i can only talk at a whisper volume for now."
He nodded and pulled up a chair next to my bed.
"I would like you to explain what happened in the cafeteria last night with Reiner." He ordered.
I nodded, "reiner wanted a rematch against me sir. i agreed. we fought well and he got the upper hand. he started to choke me and i got the feeling he was looking to kill me. the knife should have only nicked a little past the skin layer, a few stitches is all he should need."
Erwin leaned in to me a little. "Alright, that's fine. You handled it well."
I nodded back, trying to only speak when I had to.
Erwin spoke again, "I have got word from Darius Zachley, The Premier. He is intrigued by the fact every soldier came back alive. He wants us to make an appearance in front of him."
My mouth opened a bit. I told Erwin I wouldn't do public appearances. It seemed by the look on my face that he knew what I was about to say.
His tone grew more eager. "(Y/N), if Zachley asks the reason we all came back alive, and I tell him that Levi came up with a great plan to kill all the titans by himself , he will be unconvinced! He will wonder why we hadn't thought of that or done that in the first place! And you are asking all the scouts to lie as well, every scout knows that you were the change that brought us to victory."
I talked with a stern voice, "commander, what do you suggest i do if i go to that appearance. it is almost certain that someone will recognize me. and you know what that means. the minute i get recognized, there will be no more victory for the scouts. i will be on the run for the rest of my life. is that a risk you are willing to take?!"
He sat quietly for a second, "If Levi and I show up alone, the Premier will become suspicious and assume that the scouts are hiding something. That something being you. It's a lose-lose situation, but you coming with us could have the least damaging fallout."
I gritted my teeth, and grabbed him by the jaw. I pulled him inches to about an inch from my face.
"let me remind you of our little deal. i bring you victory within the survey corps, you call off all military investigations on me. if this deal gets broken it wont just be my life on the line." I let go of his jaw and pushed him back in the chair. He saw there with a slightly angered look on his face.
"Then it is settled. You will attended and I will prevent any military interference to the best of my abilities. The appearance is tomorrow. Be ready." Erwin grunted and walked out of the room.
As soon as he left I swung my head back and groan with annoyance.
I heard more footsteps and assumed Erwin was back, but Levi walked in.

(Levi POV)
I walked in the room after Erwin left. I heard their entire conversation, but I didn't let (Y/N) know that.
"I just saw Erwin leave. What happened?" I asked.
I walked over to sit in the chair beside her.
"he's making me appear in front of the premier tomorrow along with you and himself." She groaned.
I took her hand in mine, "It'll be alright, you can just wear your hair down to cover your face and Erwin and I can do all the talking, we can use your throat injury as an excuse."
(Y/N) smiled and pulled me in to hug her.
"i'm sorry for almost giving up. i wont do it again." She sniffled.
I hugged her tightly and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "It's okay (Y/N)..."
We silently hugged for a minute.
"Can you walk? Do you want to get some food with me?" I asked her as I pulled away.
"ya, i can walk. sure. but wait, do you have my knife?" (Y/N) worriedly asked.
I handed her the knife from my back pocket and her face lit up. "thanks levi."

(Y/N) got dressed and we walked hand in hand to the cafeteria. We got some breakfast and sat at our usual table in the back corner.
Something nagged at the back of my mind. Erwin's face on that mission.
"(Y/N)...I noticed on the expedition...Erwin looked like he...like he felt something for you..." I looked down to my plate as I spoke to (Y/N).
(Y/N) tilted my head up with her index finger. "leviii" she whispered melodically.
I looked my eyes to her. She placed a little kiss on my lips. I gasped a little.
She touched her forehead against mine, "erwin is a dumbass, leaving us to do his dirty work. but in case you haven't noticed, i love youuu."
Her words made me smile a little. She pulled me in for a longer kiss.
"so, tomorrow is a big day. do you have any idea what's going to happen?" (Y/N) asked me.
I shrugged a bit. "I'm not quite sure. This is the first time this has ever happened. But I suspect that high ranking officials from other military branches will also attend."
She bit her lip a little. "if they have seen the illustration they might recognize me. but i doubt it would circulate all the way to the military. what i am most worried about is if i have to shake hands with them. i let a few of them slip away a few times. they may recognize the feel of my hand."
I grabbed her hands in mine, "Don't worry (Y/N) it'll be alright."
Appearance tomorrow ooooooh what will happennnnn?

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