Humanitys strongest soldier(s)?

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(Your POV)

Oh crap...

You nervously followed Erwin back to his office after he dismissed everyone.
You told yourself to stay strong and show no fear. You were better than him after all, why should you be scared?
You kept your head down while following behind him. He opened the door to let you in first before closing the door behind you. You casually sat on a chair in front of his desk. You leaned back and crossed one leg over the other. As Erwin sat down across from you he asked, "Cadet, why do you want to join the scouts?"
"It would be selfish to waste my talent and not join the scouts, Sir." You responded in a casual manner.
"How are your skills in ODM? I've seen first hand your fighting skills, You really know how to demobilize your opponent." He questioned.
"The only thing better than my skills in fighting, are my skills in ODM, Sir." You said unamused.
"So are you prepared to offer up your heart to humanity Cadet?"
"If the rare occasion occurred, yes Sir." You sighed.
Erwin relaxed in his chair and pour you both a drink of alcohol which he had on his shelf. He tried to hand you a drink, but you politely declined, "I don't drink, Sir." He placed the cup in front of you and took a sip of his own drink, "Cadet, how was your life before joining the training corps?" You narrowed your eyes and responded, "I would not like to answer personal questions, Sir." He shifted his eyes to you, now you were staring at each other, "Cadet, you are the most talented hand-to-hand fighter I have ever seen."
You scoffed and responded, "Sir, I appreciate the compliment, but I am here for a reason. And the opinion of others unfortunately doesn't matter to me." He now glared and you harder, "Tomorrow at 7am meet me on the training grounds. I would like to test your ODM abilities, Cadet." You laughed unnoticeably, and whispered, "Last time that didn't work out for you to well." An angry expression appeared on his face and he dismissed you. As you were heading out the door, you stopped and told him, "Be prepared Commander." You chuckled and walked off.

~the next morning~

Last night after meeting with the commander, you headed straight back to your room and fell asleep.
You woke up at 6am to stretch and practice your moves in your bedroom. As 6:30 rolled around, you got dressed neatly, and walked out the door, you wanted to be early. Sauntering onto the training grounds, you didn't expect Erwin to be there already. You walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, you saluted and said, "I am here Commander."
He smirked and responded, "Good, let's get started."
You both suited up in ODM gear and started. He had asked you to show him some of your moves. You gladly accepted. "Could I have a titan dummy please?" You asked him. "Sure." He responded. After the titan dummy was rolled out, you looked to him and said, "I call this one the 'shuriken', watch this!" You smirked.

You grappled to the neck of the dummy, and hoisted yourself in the air, you released your grapples and held your blades out, holding one in front of you and one behind you. You started spinning counterclockwise, moving like a shuriken. As you quickly moved to dummys nape, you brought your swords in closer holding the base of both swords to your belly and back. You chopped off the head of the titan dummy, and obliterated its nape while doing so. You did a flip in the air before, falling back down and landing on one knee. You laughed, "I know that one isn't efficient in the least, I used more than enough gas, and wasted my blades. BUT, it was fun as hell." Erwin stood there in shock, with his mouth wide open. "Do you have any  efficient tricks, Cadet?" He stuttered. "Yea, but I'm gonna need another dummy." You said.

Hours passed and lunch time was nearing. People had come and gone throughout the time to see you train. After going through dozens of dummy's, you were now on the last one. "Commander, I have saved my best skill for last. But I do not want anyone else watching. This is my special titan killing trick, and I wish to keep it that way." He complied and told the viewers to leave. You quickly stretched before getting in a fighting stance.

This time, you didn't grapple onto anything in the beginning. You jumped up, using the gas to launch you 15 feet in the air. You quickly grappled onto the shoulders of the dummy and held your swords in and X. For fun, you did a front flip in the air, and came down on the titans neck. Not from the side, but from the top. Still holding your swords in and X, as you approached it's nape and let out a yell "ARGHHHH", and within the blink of an eye, almost uncatchable to the human eye, you sliced through the titans nape, from the top.

You jumped to the ground and let out a deep breath. Erwin stared at you for about 10 seconds, before breaking the silence, "Come with me." He said in a serious and almost angry voice.
'Had I done something wrong? I just showed him my moves like he asked!' You thought while following behind him. He lead you back to his office, and you both sat back down. There was awkward silence in the room before you decided to say something, "See I wasn't wrong."
Erwin looked at you seriously, "Cadet, have you met 'humanities strongest soldier' before?"
"No Sir." You responded with curiosity.
"I believe that if you two fought together, alongside our soldiers, we could free humanity from the titans." He said sternly.
"Uh, with all due respect sir, I don't fight well with competition or with another person with me. I prefer to work alone."
You said with a cringed face. Erwin responded in a dismissing voice, "Very well, in a few days, we are launching an expedition beyond the walls. I would like you on my team. And I expect you to fight well." "Yes, Sir." You said while walking out the door.

~Time skip to expedition date~

All the scouts lined up before leaving the walls. It was raining out so everyone put on their hoods. You were positioned right next to Erwin at the very front of the group. Everything was going exactly according to your plan.
You rode for a while before seeing a group of  4 titans approaching directly in front of you. You were fearless, so you said to Erwin, "Let me handle these titans and show you how well I do on my own." He nodded in agreement as he grabbed the reigns to your horse and you zoomed off.

They were all normal stupid titans, so you decided to pull a nice fancy move.
You grappled onto the titan on the far lefts neck and swung around it. You used the momentum and unlatched your hooks. Using a bit of extra gas, you flew right behind all the titans, and in one go you sliced through all 4 titans necks. As their bodies fell to the ground, you stood there on their bodies taking a moment to feel the rain. After 5 seconds you zoomed back to Erwin and your horse.

(Levi POV)

It was the third anniversary of Farlan and Isabelles death, and just to your luck there was an expedition that day. You couldn't bare to fight alongside Erwin today. You approached him the night before and asked to be placed in the back of his group at the front. To your surprise, he agreed. He told you that he was going to do that anyways because there was a new gifted recruit who he would like to see fight firsthand. You were shaken up when he looked at you after and told you "She is very talented Levi, you have some new competition. But don't go looking for her, she prefers to fight alone and doesn't like competition." You scoffed and walked out of his room. 'She? Is she better than me? No! I am humanities strongest!' You angrily thought.

It was the day of the expedition, you tried to get a look at your competitions face, but it was covered with a hood.
As you were riding off, you saw a group of titans up ahead, you were about to jump off your horse to to fight them, but you were beaten to it. The girl had already handed her horse to Erwin and zoomed off.
In any other situation, you would've zoomed off after that person to help them kill those beasts, but you wanted to see just how good this girl really was.
In one swift motion, you watched her bring 4 beastly giants to the ground. "Holy shit" you whispered to yourself. This girl is good. Really good. You knew you had to defy Erwins orders and figure out who this girl was. Maybe this girl could teach you some things and help you to become strong enough to beat (Y/N) once and for all.

But little did you know...that the girl you wanted to learn from...was the girl you wanted to dedicated your life to kill......

I'm backkkkk! Next chapter is going to be a very special chapter ;))) stay tunedddddd <3

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