The last day of peace

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(Levi POV)

Today was a important day. I could tell (Y/N) was on edge. As I suited up in my scout uniform, I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen. It would only take 1 weird look, and everything would blow up in our faces. After I listened in on them yesterday, I could hear what they were really saying.
What Erwin was trying to tell (Y/N) is that she had to come or else the military would become suspicious of why all of a sudden were successful. And what (Y/N) was trying to tell Erwin was that she was afraid someone would recognize her and she would have to throw her life away again. Erwin ordered that (Y/N) come, he said he would call off all military advance on her, but I knew Erwin doesn't have nearly as much power to do that.
If anything went wrong, I have no doubt it would end up in a bloodbath.
Everything today was going to be very risky.

"I'm brining a few knives. You should take some as well. I cannot promise everything will go perfectly today." (Y/N) said in a monotone voice to me. Her voice had healed since yesterday, but the marks around her neck were still there. She wore a loose bandage around her neck. Erwin and I are the only ones who knew she could or couldn't talk.

We both dressed in our survey corps professional outfits. I helped (Y/N) put on her long green dress jacket.
As soon as we finished getting dressed, we took a minute to talk.
(Y/N) put her head against my chest and grabbed my hands.
"So you will tell them I cannot speak because of my injury. I will hide my face with my hair. You will take as much credit as possible, just tell them I was the brains behind everything." She whimpered.
I patted her head, "Yes."
She sulked against me, "Levi, I hate to tell you this again. But if things go wrong, I might have to run..."
"No no, it will be okay (Y/N). I'll make sure of it." I consoled her.
She gave me a quick squeeze, "Alright, I trust you. Now let's get going, we can't be late."

I took her hand in mine and we walked out of our room to the carriage awaiting Erwin, (Y/N) and I.
2 brown horses led the carriage. (Y/N) and I stepped into the carriage in which Erwin was already waiting.
Erwin shut the door behind us and immediately began to talk.
"Alright. You both know the plan. Any questions?" He rambled.
It seemed that even Erwin was anxious about this. He always had a plan for everything, but it didn't look like he had a concrete foolproof plan for this one. Everything today was left up to chance.

(Y/N) and I replied, "No."
Erwin sighed lightly in relief.
"(Y/N), whatever happens today. You can NOT make a scene. No matter what." Erwin ordered.
She seemed a bit flustered at the order, "Commander, I-I—"
Erwin interrupted her, "(Y/N)! If you make a scene I will get dragged down with you! YOU WILL NOT PULL ANYTHING IN THERE, THAT IS AN ORDER."
I noticed her face anger a bit, she almost raised a fist, but she calmed down quickly. "Yes Sir."
The rest of the carriage ride was quiet from then on. We had to ride to the capital in Wall Seena. All other scouts were to meet us there.

Eventually, we got to the court. It was made clear that it wasn't an interrogation, more just a casual questioning.
Erwin stepped out of the carriage. I stepped out after him. "Wait." (Y/N) said as she arranged her hair to casually cover her face. She then stepped out after me.
The 3 of us walked confidently into the courtroom. Our footsteps echoed through the halls.
(Y/N) walked in between us to guard her face as much as we could.
The large doors opened. We shuffled into the table which was placed in the middle of the room in front of the Premiers podium. (Y/N) again sat in between us. She kept her head down.
I looked around. I was right. All high officials from each other branch was here. Nile Dok and the Military Police to our left, Dot Pyxis and the Garrison to our right. The scouts were scattered on both sides through the stands.
Suddenly, the Premier marched in from the front. He looked at a few papers, and then spoke.

"Commander Erwin Smith of the Survey Corps." He yelled. Erwin stood up at the call of his name.
"2 days ago, every single one of your troops came back alive from an expedition beyond the walls. This is the very first successful scouting expedition in history."
Erwin saluted with pride.
"Share with great detail what exactly caused you all to come back victorious." The Premier commanded.
Erwin nodded and the Premier sat down.
"I would like to introduce Special Operations Officer (Y/N) (L/N). Unfortunately, right now, she is unable to speak after an injury during a rough training session." Erwin glanced down to (Y/N). She kept her head down.
Erwin continued, "Officer (Y/N) is one of the most mentally, physically, and strategically talented soldiers this military has even seen." I noticed him smile at those words. When will he realize that (Y/N) is mine! She loves me!
The Premier raised his eyebrows and became more intrigued, "So Commander, if what your saying is true, Special Operations Officer (Y/N) helped you gain victory?"
Erwin nodded, "Sir, she has helped more that you would imagine. (Y/N) meticulously trained my soldiers and taught them life saving and crucial maneuvers to slay titans. I paired her along with Levi Ackerman to create an unstoppable team. On our expedition, the 2 slayed over 100 titans together. They protected our scouts and fought titans as often as they could." Erwin sat back down and caught his breath.
The Premier nodded. I noticed the other soldiers in the room were desperately trying to get a look at (Y/N)'s face, so I leaned forward a little to block their view of her.
Zachley spoke again, "Commander Erwin. I am interested, how did you recruit this girl to the scouts and become officer?"
Erwin stood back up with a smile on his face.
"It is a funny story Sir. The night of her graduation, I came to give a speech to the few trainees who chose to become scouts. (Y/N) had graduated at the top of her class. I asked her why she didn't chose to become Military Police. She told me that it would be extremely selfish to not use her talents to help save humanity. I laughed at her cocky ness and invited her to show me her skills right then and there. She went up on the stage and within a split second, immobilized every limb on my body and pinned me to the ground."
All the viewers gazed more and more at her. They were intrigued because of Erwins grand stories. But it was necessary, the more information he could provide, the less questions they would ask.
He spoke again, "Over the next days, I asked to see her titan killing abilities. I was already astonished by her human combat skills, I just had to see for myself how well she killed those giants.
She showed me moves I had never even thought of to use to kill titans! Some that used less gas, some that were fun, and some that helped to get a deeper cut on a titan. After I saw her flawless skills on the previous expedition, I offered her the job of Special Operations Officer. And now, we have come back from an expedition with all of our soldiers."
Erwin caught his breath and sat down.
"And the Officer can not speak for herself due to an injury?" The Premier double checked.
Erwin nodded his head, "Correct."
"We will now take questions from the other branches now." The Premier said.
I heard (Y/N) inhale sharply. These questions weren't going to be good. They had grown more anxious for answers after hearing Erwins stories.
Nile Dok asked a question first, "Will we get to see this 'unstoppable' soldiers face?" His voice carried a little bit of annoyance in it. I could sense (Y/N) freeze a little.
Erwin stood up in a huff, "I'm afraid that her face is bruised and she would like she wait until her face is at least healed." He sat back down, with finality in his voice.
Dot Pyxis added in, "If this soldier is really that good, why is she injured?!"
The whole courtroom broke out into scattered chatter.
I looked under the table. I gasped when I saw (Y/N) gripping a knife.
I put my hand over hers to stop her from doing anything, and also to comfort her.
I looked to Erwin, he looked lost, like he didn't know what to do.
All eyes turned to the Premier when he banged the gavel loudly on the wood. All mouths tuned silent.
"Commander Erwin. Please explain, now." He ordered.
Erwin looked more stressed than he had ever in his life. He didn't know the full extent of what happened that night with Reiner, so he couldn't truthfully answer. He stuttered trying to answer.
I stood up. "Allow me to explain. I was there during the event. The report is still being filled out. Erwin doesn't have all the information yet."
Erwin stared at me, confused.
Darius Zachley spoke, "Very well, go ahead."
I took a deep breath and tried to word it as best as possible,
"A soldier challenged the Officer to a fight. He had lost a fight horribly to her before, so this was a re-match. The soldier was embarrassed for losing the first time, and wanted to fight her again." I looked down to (Y/N) with soft eyes before saying the next part, "Being the great and inspiring leader she is, she accepted the fight and purposefully let the soldier win the fight to let him gain confidence. The soldier took things a little aggressive and injured (Y/N). That is all."
I sat back down and took a deep breath.
"Alright then." Zachley spoke with a grunt.
I heard (Y/N) exhale. Things were getting heated. I really hope things would cool down now, we cant afford an outburst of any sort.

Time went on and the Premier asked Erwin basic questions like, 'how will the scouts proceed?' 'are you making any more changes?' And things like that. They steered away from questions about (Y/N).
I was almost a bit concerned, throughout the whole questioning, (Y/N) didn't move once. She stayed in the same slouched over position with her head down and her hair subtly covering her face. She did not take her hand off the knife though, almost like she was hinting to me that she could go berserk at any given time.

Eventually, the questioning came to an end. Erwin looked exhausted from all the questions.
"That brings our meeting to a wrap. I will leave you all to converse now." The Premier said as he stood up from his chair. I looked around the room, all the soldiers waited patiently as the watched Zachley slowly leave the room.
The second the door shut, all the soldiers rushed over to our table.
Everything moved in slow motion in those few short seconds.

Soldiers poured out of the gate leading into the main section, which was where our table was placed.
As soon as the first soldier stepped out of the gate, running over to us, (Y/N) instantaneously shot up out of her chair. I looked with terrified eyes to her hands, but the knife wasn't there. I looked back to the soldiers rushing in, almost all soldiers were out of the stands, I only saw the scouts in the stands now, they were probably extremely confused.
I looked to Erwin. His teeth were gritted, and he spun around tensely in circles, looking for which way the soldiers were going to come at us from.
One soldier surprised us coming from the back. He grabbed (Y/N)'s shoulder.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! We were screwed. There was no way out of this now.
Uh ohhh

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