2 arms & 2 legs, 1 broken body.

22 1 0

(Your POV)

Days had gone by and it was now the last day of training before the expedition. I was slightly worried on the inside, but I was just as much excited. The day after I took Reiner to the infirmary, I went back to properly apologize to him. I admitted that I shouldn't have used that strike on him and that the reason I did it was because he was actually putting up a good fight. It's always a challenge to fight someone without actually killing them, there were many strikes and moves I had mastered to kill someone in an instant (thus ending the fight immediately), but taking someone down without killing them was always more difficult and especially hard when I was fighting a good opponent.
Reiner had well deservingly earned my respect. I saw a lot of myself in him. He didn't really accept my apology, but more he just heard it. I wasn't quite sure what exactly his plan was, he wasn't like the regular soldier. But that wasn't my place to ask.

The last training session had just ended. I was content with the soldiers progress. I was sweating a river, so I headed back to the room to shower. Weirdly, I hadn't talked to Levi much today, he hadn't followed with me back to our room, but I didn't think much of it. He was probably going to talk with Erwin about tomorrow.

As I dropped my towel and stepped in the shower. The warm water hitting my skin. I imagined what would happen tomorrow. Erwin had somewhat accepted my plan. Levi and I would be on guard at all times to kill titans around us.
The sound of slicing flesh. The sight of those giant bodies falling on the ground. The feel of the blood splashing against my skin.  The smell of the deserved death around me. And the taste of the cold and crisp air flowing down my throat.
Some sick part of me smiled at the thought. But I quickly cringed when I realized with the drastic change of death rate in the scouts, I would have to be bound to make a public appearance and answer some questions. I could only hope that Erwin would be smart enough to decline all of that, he should realize that if my identity is publicly revealed, he would lose one of the most talented soldiers he had. That put me at ease.

The water turned cold and I stepped out. Wrapping the towel around me, I unlocked the door to the bathroom. A little bit of me slightly hoped Levi would be there waiting for me, but I guess duty calls, and that was no problem for me.

I felt this nagging in the back of my brain to put of some nice clothes. The thought and very real possibility I may die tomorrow urged me to do something spontaneous. Out of my drawer, I picked a nice, well fitting tan blouse, and a baby blue foot length skirt. It was nice once and a while to not wear pants, and something casual.
I neatly put my clothing on and tied my hair in a loose my behind my hair. A nice pair of brown flats would go perfect with my outfit. I slipped them on and stretched my feet in them, I hadn't worn shoes like this in about 3 years.

Now that I was ready, I walked down to the cafeteria to wish the scouts good luck, and have some food.
I normally opened the door and walked in. All of the male eyes in the room looked to me. But I was looking for one male in particular, and he was nowhere to be seen. As their eyes sunk into me, I began to become more confused, are these clothes dirty? Inside out? Do they not match? Why is everyone staring at me? All of the women kept to themselves and acted normally.
I walked up to a soldier. "Soldier, do you have any idea why everyone is staring at me?" I whispered casually.
He jumbled with his words and his eyes wandered all over my body which stood in front of him, "Ma'—am...I've just never um seen you, uh wear something like that!"
I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head. Now I understood. A bunch of horny men just can't keep to themselves and must act so immaturely. I left out a "tch." Before shaking it off. I had lost my appetite, all the eyes drained me. Before I left, I stood up on a chair and got all of their attention, "Soldiers! I would like to wish you the best of luck of the expedition tomorrow!  Believe in yourself and you will prevail!" I yelled encouragingly.
I expected no response from them, just listening eyes. But as I stepped down from the chair, I got a very much unwanted one. A douchebag in the back of the room let out a loud catcalling whistle. All eyes now turned to him, some mouths even dropped. I spotted his smug looking ass in the back of the room easily. He laid back in his chair one leg over the other and rested his arms behind his head, looking quite proud of himself.
I calmly walked up to him and gave him a blank stare. "Have you no respect?" I questioned him. He looked around the room to all of the wide eyes watching this little scene and smugly said, "It was just a compliment darling, calm down."
I furrowed my eyebrows and held my hands behind my back. "Are you aware of who you just 'complimented' soldier?"
I gave him a curious look. He didn't speak, so I turned around and walked away. Just as I turned around, I felt a harsh slap on my butt and a chuckle, "just a pretty lookin woman."

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