Partial bliss

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(Your POV)

You slept soundly that night. More peaceful than ever before. It might've been the fact that Levi was sleeping right next to you, or that you felt at home, surrounded by the people you love and not being pressured to kill anyone.

You woke up to a loud knock on the door.
"(Y/N)? Are you up?" A girlish voice asked behind the door.
You replied still half asleep, "Yea...I'm up..."
"Can I come in?" She asked sweetly.
"Alright..." You yawned.
The girl opened the door almost immediately and jumped up on the bed. It startled Levi and he jumped up out of sleep.
The little girl smirked and looked at you, but quickly shaked it off as she remembered what she needed to tell you.
"(Y/N) me and the others made some breakfast for you guys downstairs! Come down!" She enthusiastically asked.
You wiped the sleep off you eyes and smiled, "That is so kind of you all, I will be down in a few minutes!"
She nodded and skipped out of the room. You groaned and got out of bed. "You should get up too, it's already 7:30 and I wanna be up at the surface for 8:15." You said tiredly to Levi.
He sat up on the bed, "Ok, do I need to bring anything?"
Rummaging through your duffle bag on the ground for clothes, you responded to Levi, "I'll bring a few bags, the kiddos are going to want to bring as much stuff down back here as they can."
Levi nodded. You stepped into the bathroom with your clothes and necessities and got ready for the day. When you walked out Levi wasn't there. 'He's probably just in the other washroom.' You thought.
As you walked down the stairs to go to the kitchen, you heard some laughter. Peeking around the corner, you saw something that warmed your heart. There sat Levi all dressed at the kitchen table, laughing and playing with the children.
You casually walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. The kids brought over plates of food to you and Levi and you all ate breakfast happily. Some of the kids were whispering to each other and giggling. This put a confused smile on your face. Levi was just as confused. The whispering and giggling eventually grew louder and greater.
"Okay! What's all this whispering about?!" You demanded playfully.
Suddenly all the laughter halted to a stop.
"Someone's gotta 'fess up!" Levi joked.
You and Levi sarcastically eyed each one of them down until one broke out in laughter.
"You and Levi said you are just friends! But this morning you were sleeping in the same bed?!" One boy blurted out.
All the children burst out in laughter and some even fell to the floor.
The same embarrassed blushed expression appeared on your and Levi's face as you heard the boy speak.
"Errrr umm my cot wasn't comfortable!" Levi said embarrassed as he scratched the back of head.
You smiled with laughter and then said, "Okay okay whatever! If you all calm down I'll tell you what we are doing today?!" You offered.
They straightened up in their seat and their eyes widened, looking at you intrigued.
You looked to Levi and smiled, "WE ARE ALL GOING TO THE SURFACE TODAY!!!!"
Some kids cried in joy, some stayed paralyzed with happiness, and some ran over and hugged you.
"Everyone take a backpack to bring stuff back with!" You told the children.
"But, I have to let you know of some rules before we go..." You told.
The boys and girls nodded at you, wanting to know the rules.
"Okay, so when we get up there, your eyes may hurt for a bit because of the sun, so DONT stare directly into it. No stealing when we get up there, its harder to run away, so I will give you all some more money to get whatever you want. I will show you trees, grass rivers and animals! Are you all ready?!" You said with enthusiasm.
They squealed and got their stuff together.

Levi pulled you aside when you finished helping the kids get ready.
"What happens if one gets lost? They don't know their way around up there." Levi smartly questioned.
You thought for a second, "I hadn't really thought of that... I guess they can go in groups of 3 or 4 and we can have a meetup spot." You joked, "They are smarter than you think! Because I taught them!" Levi scoffed and laughed at your remark.

Eventually you all made it to the surface. The kids breathed in the fresh and and warm sun rays for a minute before you headed to the local market.
"Thank you so much (Y/N)!" One cried.
"Oh don't worry about it!" You smiled back.

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