A vow to you...

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(Your POV)

It was the morning after your fight with Levi. Today you were more happy than usual. You got the closure you needed to finally put your unspeakable past behind you. Fighting Levi Ackerman was the big goodbye to your past life. And when you slipped him that note, it felt like you were finally agreeing with the new you.

You stacked up the boxes once again, going to deliver them to the homeless children. You were supposed to deliver it yesterday (Sunday) but your fight with Levi put that on pause. As a form of an apology, you put in a few sweets, one for each child.
As you picked up the boxes, this time you lifted them easily. Almost like you had gotten stronger. 
This time, you peacefully kicked open the door, peeking outside before opening it fully. With a great smile on your face you walked to the group of kids. Handing them each a sweet. The looks on their faces were enough to make a normal person cry. But thinking about crying made you cringe in discomfort. Every time you heard a cry of joy or pain, it brought back some PTSD, enough to make you wanna throw up.
You ruffled up a bit of the hair of the girl in front of you, when you heard a sentence that made you, (Nickname) 'the killer of men', tremble in fear.

The little girl looked up to you in the eyes and said in a sweet voice, "(Y/N), when I grow up, I wanna be just like you!" Your eyes looked away as a face of guilt spread across you. "Why is that?" You asked the girl. "Because you are always helping others! And that is so cool!" She giggled. You smiled back at her before heading off.

Kicking your feet on the ground, you yelled at yourself, "Be like you? Be like you! Fuck!" You slapped yourself in the face, just as you heard some chatter across the alley you were just passing.

(Levi POV)

"Let them go! Take me!" You yelled at the man who kicked your head in the puddle. Your face was turned to the left. You saw a pair of (E/C) eyes that looked familiar, when they brought your head back up.
"You are all quite skilled in ODM gear. I have a proposition for you. Come join the scouts, and we won't throw you in jail." A tall blonde man said. You, still trying to figure out who the pair of peeking eyes behind the wall belonged to, paid no attention to the man. "Fine." You heard Farlan say. You quickly revert your eyes to him, as you see them kneeling on the ground next to you. Before you knew it, you were being taken away up the stairs to the outside world. As the blaring sun hit your eyes, you vowed to yourself that day. You would spend as long as it took, trained as hard as you could, to become a warrior good enough to beat (Y/N) in a fight 2 times over. What she did was cruel. Make you let your guard down, and then send the police after you. 'I will get you one day (Y/N), and you will pay.'

(Your POV)

As you peered around the corner, you immediately noticed the tall men. "Wings of Freedom? What are the survey corps doing down here? You moved your eyes down and noticed 3 people on their knees in front of them. One of them had their face in a puddle with their face looking at you. You gasped as you realized it was Levi. Turning your head away you said, "WHAT THE FUCK! HOW? WHAT! I NEVER ALERTED THEM!" You panicked. 'Should I save them? Kill more police?' The words of that little girl played back in your head. Determined to figure out more information, you turned your eyes back, only to find them gone. You ran, trying to look for them as you saw them being taken up the stair to the surface. Realizing there was nothing you could do, you sprinted home. Slamming the door behind you, you fell to the ground in your house and started hyperventilating. "It's m-m-my faulttt!" You screamed. If you had just swooped in a killed those police right there, Levi and his friends wouldn't be arrested. But you hesitated—. As your eyelids began to feel heavy, you laid down right in front of your door. You didn't fall asleep, you just rested your eyes thinking about what you could've done differently.

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