a good day to die

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(Levi POV)

I gasped. (Y/N) jumped down from the chair with a squeal, "That's the spirit Reiner! Let's do it!"
A small, fighting sized circle formed in the middle of the cafeteria. (Y/N) began to take off her scouting jacket and stretch her arms a little.
I ran up to her and grabbed her by the arm, "(Y/N) be careful!" I whispered.
She gave me a weird look, almost hinting that she had to do this.
I stood in the front of the crowd circling (Y/N) and Reiner. A manic grin spread across his face. (Y/N) smirked a little.
"Your rules this time Reiner." She spoke.
Reiner grinned, "no rules."
(Y/N) raised her fists in front of her face and nodded.
The crowd watched eagerly, but I watched with slight worried ness. Something about Reiners face led me to believe he would pull something bad. But I had enough faith in (Y/N) so I stood back and watched.

Reiner took the first swing. A right hook to the face.
(Y/N) ducked and kicked him off his feet.
Reiner quickly recovered, popping right back up to his feet.
(Y/N) made the next move, doing a complete roundhouse hitting Reiner in the left abdomen.
He jolted at her strike and then attacked back. Pushing forward and hitting her with 2 quick punches.
(Y/N) semi blocked them. As Reiner got close to her to make the hit, (Y/N) took the advantage and kneed him right in the stomach.
Reiner fell back.

I looked at the crowd. They stared with great entertainment. Amazement, and awe were the main emotions. I looked to (Y/N), she kept a sturdy face. A face I hadn't seem much of. It seemed it was her fighting face. Her expression was not aggressive nor defensive. She held her head up high and kept a straight and judgmental face.

Both (Y/N) and Reiner took a second to collect themselves.
Reiner came charging at (Y/N). He tried to tackle her to the ground.
She zipped to the side, placed her arm out in front of his charging body, used her other arm to flip him to the ground. She pushed him flat to the ground by his chest, taking a knee beside him as she held her hand on his broad chest.

Suddenly the doors flew open. Erwin came rushing in. "What is happening here?!" He spotted me and came to me for answers.

Reiner, being the guy he was, made his next move while (Y/N) was caught by surprise by Erwins entrance. He pulled her down under him and choked her to the ground, straddling her.
(Y/N) kept her same straight face and Reiner began to crush her throat with his overly strong hands.
A sadistic grin appeared on his face as (Y/N)'s face turned red like a tomato from lack of oxygen.
It confused me. She wasn't doing anything to stop him, what would her next move be? Now was the time to do it!
I saw her straight expression fade and turn into something else. (Y/N) made a calm face now, almost a sliver of happiness.
As soon as I saw her grip from Reiner's hands release, I realized what she was doing.

Reiner. A smug bastard. Did (Y/N) really think he was worthy enough! Why now?! Why chose now to surrender?! Why leave me here all by myself now. Just as the scouts reached a deserved victory. Why would (Y/N) give up now? Was it her time to die right here?

I almost barfed at the though. The dots connected in my mind involuntarily.

The trip to the underground, going back to her old home, reuniting with her orphans, having that 'business' chat with Kenny. Last night, when she told me all those things about what she would want to happen if she died. If she ultimately knew she was literally unstoppable, she would only tell me those things for a reason. She had brought the scouts a victory. She had got all of her anger out by killing dozens of titans. She had trained and taught all her special moves to an army of soldiers. She had found true love. She had made true love. All her loose ends were tied. All she ever could have even dreamed to accomplish in life was completed. But it all ended now, with her final dying wish. To let 'the killer of men' die in worthy hands. Someone worthy enough of a pat on the back for getting the job done, bringing justice to those who she killed.

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