Make you feel my love

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*I will be referencing in this chapter a song called "make you feel my love" by Adele. I highly recommend you listen to it. I will also tell you when you should start playing it during the chapter. :)"*
Also Warning: smut
(Your POV)

Levi covered my eyes with one hand, and held my hand with the other. He said nothing to me while we were running, I just followed him. We quickly walked for a while, until we reached the destination. It smelled of flowers, warmth and wine.
"Okay, stand there for a second...oh and keep your eyes closed!" Levi ordered.
"Sure." Was all I responded.
I'm not gonna lie, I was still a bit shaken up from the events in the cafeteria. Levi seemed really enthusiastic about what he was doing, so I tried my best to put on a happy face.
I stood by myself for a second before Levi spoke once more, "Okay! Open your eyes!"
I slowly without enthusiasm uncovered my eyes.

We were at the meadow. The sun was setting. On the grass was a large red blanket with a brown woven basket on it. 1 bottle of wine, and 2 glasses lay against each other. Around the blanket were all different sorts of flowers, that varied by size, colour and smell. Levi stood in front of the sunset with a soft smile, looking at my reaction.

I was certainly surprised by this sudden grand gesture. I took one more look at the things in front of me.
"Levi...What is um this all for—" I stuttered with a faint smile.
He walked slowly towards me, and his small smile grew slightly as he got closer to me.
"Tomorrow is a busy day...So I thought I would surprise you now. Happy Birthday (Y/N)!" Levi said sweetly.

The world felt like it was closing in around me. My faint smile quickly turned into a harsh perturbed look. I took a few steps back. My breathing quickened. I looked at the blanket laid neatly on the ground. All of this way enough to make me barf.
Everything around me started to spin.
I stood there quietly as I got myself together. I looked to Levi. His face looked worried, with a pinch of sadness.
Clearly, this wasn't the reaction he was hoping for. Frankly, no one would be happy to see a reaction like mine after they spent so long preparing it.

I placed my hands over my face, trying to hide it. " did you know?" I managed to say.
"i asked Kenny, he would've known because you said he gave you a gift." Levi said.
I stood there and my eyes filled with deep sadness.
I always hated birthdays. Birthday parties, birthday cakes, birthday wishes, birthday gestures, birthday gifts. The only reason I had accepted that gift from Kenny was because it wasn't really a birthday gift, there was no emotional connection to it. He gave it to me merely because I turned 16, the age of becoming an adult, and I only accepted it because it was a beautiful knife.

"What's the matter?" Levi questioned from a distance.
I took a deep breath and dropped my hands from my face. "I'm so sorry. I know you probably spent a while preparing this...but I don't celebrate my birthday, I never have."
Levi's reaction saddened. "Well, it's not your birthday yet. So lets just pretend this is just a regular date." He smiled.
I grinned back and ran to hug him. "Thank you."
Levi pulled my hand to sit with him down on the blanket. I sat and he opened the basket. There were many snacks, like a few potatoes, some bread, a few fruits, and more. I scooted over to sit right beside him, and he handed me some bread. Levi poured us some wine and we watched the sunset peacefully.

"do you know of a soldier, he has brown hair, tall, smug, and kind of looks like a horse?" I asked Levi.
"That'll be Jean Kirstein." He responded.
"What do you think of him. Like as a soldier and person?" I questioned as I took a sip of the wine.
Levi paused a second, "Good soldier. Can be a little cocky at times. But mostly is just flat out annoying." Levi responded, "Why do you ask?"
I sat there thinking before responding. I avoided eye contact and just stared into the orange sunset as I answered.
"Today, he whistled at me. I asked him if he had any respect for me, and he told me to calm down because he was just 'complimenting' me." I sighed and took another sip of my wine. "Then I asked him if he knew who I was, and he proceeded to slap my butt and address me as 'pretty woman'."

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