
Beginne am Anfang

"Wait a second... if you're here, who's attending your shop?" Subaru asked him.

He just pointed to his stand, where Rem was helping some customers. "Really?" is all Subaru says.

Ignoring him, the appa guy continued. "Emilia, huh? Well, that witch doesn't have a chance."

"Hey! Don't you say that! Do you think that, just because the Jealous Witch was a half elf, that all half-elfs are bad?!" Subaru ranted, drawing attention to him.

"Woah there, calm down! I was just stating facts."

Subaru got even angrier. "But what if she actually cares about this kingdom and its people? Are you saying that, just because of her race, she doesn't have a chance at becoming the ruler?"

"Exactly," appa guy replied. "That's how it works around here." He moved closer to Subaru. "By the way, people are afraid of the Witch. I would try not to say her name in public."

He then exited the mass, and Subaru was left fuming.

After he escaped the throng of people, Subaru reunited with Rem, not showing her his anger. "Hey Rem, all of this has got me hungry. Do you know anywhere good to eat?"

Rem nodded her head. "Of course. I took (Y/N) there last night, and he seemed to enjoy it, so you should find it pleasurable."

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at their destination.

When Subaru saw the sign, he burst out into laughter. "No way! It's the Krusty Krab! I never thought that I'd actually go to it!"

Rem tugged on his shirt. "I am aware of you history about this establishment and your relationship with its owner. (Y/N) told me. Unfortunately, that man died. I am very sorry for your loss."

Subaru looked confused, but played along. "Oh, did he? Well thanks, I guess."

They proceeded to enter, and Subaru was shocked to see a certain someone sitting in the middle of the restaurant.

It was Anastasia Hoshin, and there was an adorable fluff ball and a huge wolf-looking guy sitting at her table.

Noticing them, Anastasia invited both Subaru and Rem to sit with her. Ricardo, the wolf-dude, raised his hand as a greeting, and then moved tables so that they could sit with Anastasia.

"My my, what are you doing here, mister 'I love Emilia'?" teased Anastasia.

"Hey!" Subaru pouted, still upset about the events that transpired the day before. "Well, I'm not really doing anything. I just decided to walk around town and see if I can get some information."

Anastasia leaned in closer, catching a glare from Rem. "Information?" She grinned. "What kind of information are ya looking for?"

Subaru wondered if it was okay to be sharing this information with Anastasia, but he just shrugged. If he was supposed to get Anastasia's help, then he might as well share this with her. "I'm aware that Crusch is gathering supplies for something, but I'm not sure what exactly the supplies are."

Anastasia looked amused. "Reall-"

"Can Mimi get some more food?" Looking down, they saw the adorable Mimi jumping up and down at Anastasia's side.

"Of course. Get whatever ya want." Mimi looked like she could almost burst with happiness, and went to the counter to order some more food.

"Now, let me continue," said Anastasia. "Would ya like to know what exactly she's gathering?"

Subaru almost responded, but Rem stopped him. Cupping her mouth to his ear, Rem whispered, "Do you think that it is wise to be exchanging information with one of the royal candidates? Will this not upset Crusch-san?"

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