"No. No no no. I'm not going to fucking kill my boyfriend, Alastor. I'm not going to do it. You know how good I am. So what if I lash out when I get drugged? I'm still the best you've got." 

"Remus, it may be about time that you were tested again. Given the behaviour I've seen from you in the last couple of months, and given the fact that you were drugged recently- it's probably a good idea. And if it doesn't go well, it won't happen again."

"If it doesn't go well, Alastor, Sirius will be dead." My voice is barely even a whisper. I clench my hands into fists to keep them from shaking. "I can't do it. You /know/ I can't." 

"I know that, son." Alastor's voice is somehow gentle and firm at the same time. I can't look at him, though. Can't let him see me afraid. "But Sirius was persistent. He thinks he knows how to help you." 

"I can't hurt him. I won't." I shake my head, dragging a hand through my hair. "It's just not an option."

Alastor sighs. "Well, just talk it out with him. Listen to what he has to say. It's your call, Son. I'll give you until tomorrow to think about it. You may also be running the knife tests this year, The twin's job is running long." Fabian and Gideon have been gone for about a week now. 

"Fine." I sigh. "But just know my answer is going to be no." 

~A while later, Sirius' POV~

I'm barely in the door of the library when a book whizzes past my face. 

"You mOTHERFUCKER! CAEL YR UFFERN ALLAN O FY YSTAFELL!" Oh, he really is mad. Usually I find Remus speaking Welsh hot as hell, but now I'm slightly scared. 

"Alright, so Alastor told you my plan." I say calmly, ducking under another book. Remus is sitting on top of a bookshelf, his face red because of how mad he is. 

"Yeah, he told me about your stupid fucking suicide mission!" Remus drags a hand through his hair in frustration, and I try not to show how scared I really am. No, I'm not afraid of Remus. But, I am afraid of hurting him and he seems on the verge of flipping his shit at the moment. 

"Baby, it's not a suicide mission. I know how to help you with this, and I think I might actually be able to help you with your fear."

"I'M NOT AFRAID!" Remus shouts. Alright, bad choice of words. I've never seen Remus this mad. "I just know my limits, okay? I can't handle being drugged. You can't handle being held by the arm. We all have things we can't handle, and it's not fucking fair for you to poke at my limits." Remus' voice breaks when he says the last sentence. Oh, god. He's not mad... He's scared. My poor baby. 

"Remus, just come down and let me talk to you, okay? I'm not going to force you into anything."

"This was all a bad idea, Sirius. Do you know why I never keep a partner? Why my name is 'Lone Wolf'?" He sighs. "It's because I'm unpredictable. I have anger issues and there are certain things that set me off that can't. Be. Fixed." Remus curls up in a tighter ball, pressing his face to his knees.

"Fine. If you're too stubborn to come down, I'm coming up." I walk over to the shelf and climb up carefully, settling myself in the little nook against the wall across from Remus. 

"I don't know why you're up here. I'm not changing my mind. There are just some things you can't fix, Sirius. I though we made it clear that I'm like broken glass. Sharp and can't be repaired." Remus' voice is muffled and defeated. He hugs his knees tighter, sniffling a little. 

"/I/ thought we made it clear that if you're broken, then I am too. So we might as well do our bests to function as well as we can. We don't even have to record it. I just don't want you to feel like you're going to die every time you're drugged."

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