Meanwhile, back inside, the two girls had set their coats and shoes aside and made their way into the small family home.

"Have you had dinner, Charlea? I think your dad said you had just a little something to eat,"

"Yeah," Charlea plopped back down onto the couch, "just some leftover Chinese food."

"Well," Zoe smiled mischievously, "we brought McDonald's if you want any,"

"Holy crap, yes please,"

As Alana grabbed the keys from Zoe's coat pocket and unlocked their car to grab the bags of fast food, Zoe set down three plates at the kitchen island, one for each of them, and helped hand out the food once her wife was back inside.

The moment the bags touched the cool marble surface of the counter, Charlea reached forward and grabbed her meal; a container of chicken nuggets and a large fry, while the other two helped themselves to burgers.

As they enjoyed their delicious meal from the ever-popular chain restaurant, the three discussed how their personal lives were going, like asking Charlea how her new school was, or if she had hung out with her new best friend Katie recently. After as they threw away their wrappers and scraps, both wives turned to their niece to see what was next.

"So, honey, what do you want to do now? We can do whatever you want,"

"Could we play a game?" Charlea asked, picking at the skin of her fingers.

"Of course, Bumblebee, why don't you go grab one,"

Charlea ran off at Alana's request to retrieve a board game the three of them could play, while Alana and Zoe took a seat on the soft, shaggy navy and white carpet. Soon enough after, they heard the pitter-patter of feet run back in, with the game Sorry in one hand, and a small bell in the other.

"Wait," Zoe stopped her, "why do you have a bell with you?"

"Daddy makes us ring it when one of us bumps someone back to their start. Now, let me sit down so I can kick your asses!"

Meanwhile, about twenty minutes away at the local restaurant Sawyers, Evan and Connor sat at a table waiting for their food to be delivered. Connor was well aware of the fact that Evan was anxious about leaving their daughter, he was too, but Evan seemed worse. Noticing that he had begun to pick at his arms, he decided to speak up to him.

"Evan, sweetheart?"

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"Are you alright?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Evan questioned, not taking his eyes off his arm.

Connor reached out and grabbed his warm, clammy hand, and pulled it towards him. He glanced up at the sudden movement, seeming startled by it.

"Angel, I know you're anxious about leaving her, I am too, but she's okay. I can text my sister if it would make you feel any better,"

"Yes please," he sighed, letting out a breathy laugh.

So, Connor pulled out his phone and opened his messages, scanning across for the contact and conversations with Zoe. Quickly, he texted her about what they were doing, and just a few short moments later, he received his sister's response.

"Zoe said everything's going great and that Charlea has them playing Sorry...and apparently Alanas losing horribly, she doesn't even have one pawn out of start."

Evan laughed, a genuine laugh with a small smirk across his face, which made Connor happy. He knew he couldn't cure his anxiety, there would always be that nagging voice in the back of his mind, at least for him, but as long as he could ease it, that would be enough.

As the night stretched on, the three girls played more rounds of the simple board game, and the husbands scarfed down their meal. Around eleven-thirty, the two pulled into their driveway and unlocked the front door.

As they slowly creaked open the door, Zoe whipped her head around and held her finger to her lips, signaling them to be quiet. As Evan looked down, he saw Zoe sitting against the back of the couch wide awake, with Alana asleep in her lap, and Charlea passed out asleep in Alana's arms.

"I put in some Netflix show and they passed out cold," Zoe whispered. "How was dinner?"

"Incredible, definitely going back sometime. How was Charlea? Was she good for you two?"

"We had a blast! We played some games and just hung out, we brought her some McDonald's since that was our dinner and she was excited about it."

Leaning his hands on the edge of the couch and peering over to the site of their daughter fast asleep, Evan grinned.

"It's getting kind of late, Zoe, you guys are free to go," Evan mumbled.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, we can get her upstairs."

Zoe shifted slightly in her seat and leaned down to her sleeping lover's ear, whispering her name ever so softly. As Alanas eyes fluttered open, she denied that she was ever sleeping and sat up as much she could without waking her sleeping niece in her lap.

"Hey, Connor, hey, Ev," she greeted, yawning towards the end.

"Hey, 'Lana, I was just saying to Zo that you guys can head home if you want, we'll take her from heere,"

Nodding in agreement, she weaseled her way out from under Charlea and moved aside so that Evan could lift her into his bony arms. As he tucked her in his embrace in a bridal-style lift, the two said their goodbyes to Zoe and Alana as they pulled on their coats and shoes.

Just seconds later, the two were left alone with their daughter, who was slipped into a peaceful slumber. They carried Charlea upstairs into her bedroom and tucked her under her covers. 

After planting kisses on the sides of her cheeks, they slowly backed out of the room and shut her door, making sure not to slam it. As they heard the click of the door handle, both let out a sigh of relief, knowing that their daughter, whom they loved with all their hearts, was safe and sound.

Hey humans!! Again, I am so so sorry for the lack of updates, last week was just extremely busy for me. Anyways, I love you all so much and I hope you enjoyed!! ❤️❤️

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