8| It Can't Be, Can It?

Start from the beginning

"Sleep well." Dumbledore muttered, before closing the door behind us.

Right after Dumbledore had left, Gryffindors were buzzing with excitement, telling the other houses what had happened. It seemed as though nothing had happened, since the hall was filled with lively chatter.

"Everyone into their sleeping bags!" Percy said in a loud and clear voice, judging by the tone of Percy's voice and the look on his face, he looked very proud that Dumbledore had put him in charge. "Come on now, no more talking! Lights out in ten minutes!"

I heard Fred and George sniggering in their sleeping bags about Sirius, but they were cut off by Percy.

"I think it's best if we sleep now," Monica muttered, climbing into her sleeping bag and was right beside me. "Reckon if he's still there."

"Probably not," Luke yawned, who was laying beside Ollie just two sleeping bags away from me. "But how in the Merlin did he get inside the castle in the first place?"

I didn't reply, just lost in my own pool of thoughts.

A few minutes later, all of us had settled down, thanks to Percy's 'No Talking' rule which made many students fall asleep peacefully in the end. All of the candles went out at once. The only source of light in the room was the silvery ghosts of Hogwarts, including the four houses' ghosts.

Ollie was muttering Quidditch in his sleep, Luke was snoring loudly beside him which made me want to laugh but couldn't since Percy was roaming around. Monica was sleeping soundly beside me, the locks of her dirty-blonde hair slightly covering her face.

I was staring at the ceiling intently, the once lively chatter became hushed and quiet whispers instead. Was Sirius innocent just like what he told me? Or was he just using me? He wouldn't do that, I thought to myself, a promise is a promise I won't tell anyone.

But the most important thought in my head was, I had to find him. I need to know the truth.

Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, I heard the hushed voices of Dumbledore and Snape, the two of them were walking along the row of sleeping students. Once they were nearing my group, I turned around, pretending that I was asleep as I listened to their conversation.

"You remember the conversation we had, Headmaster, just before – ah – the start of term?" Snape muttered to Dumbledore.
"I do, Severus," replied Dumbledore, and there was something like warning in his voice.
"It seems – almost impossible – that Black could have entered the school
without inside help. I did express my concerns when you appointed –"

Snape's urgent suggestion was quickly interrupted by Dumbledore. Serves him right, I whispered to myself.

"I do not believe a single person inside this castle would have helped Black enter it." Dumbledore said, a bit coldly. I felt my eyes flickering before their conversation could even end, and I my eyes were now closed and drifted off into sleep.

Who could've helped Sirius enter the castle?

And what the hell is making Snape suspicious?


Our first match for Quidditch blew nearer and nearer as the days passed, we were still training though. Rumors began to spread in Hogwarts that Sirius had entered the castle to come after Harry, and of course, everyone believed the rumors. And everyone was also saying that I would probably kick my brother's ass, since they all knew that I was good at hexes.

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