35 - Ryan Abe ( YouTube / Twitch )

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" You'll be here eventually, but you're an amazing dad, " she whispers to me. " I'm just glad that you're still trying to be in his life, " she adds.

" I love you, " I mutter, she looks at me in shock.

" Say that again, " she states.

" I love you, " I tell her again, she smiles and pulls me into a hug.

" I love you too, " she whispers chuckling. " But let's get out of this room, before we wake up him, " she adds. I give her a nod, I grab a hold of her hand and we slowly walk out. " It still doesn't feel real, like I- that's our kid. We created that little guy, " she tells me while we're getting ready for bed.

" Yeah we did, when I move out here. Whenever that is, are we going to get a place for the both of us? " I ask, I've been wondering this for a while.

" I think eventually, but we don't have to rush as soon as you get here. Because you know, we don't truly know when that will be. But there's always room in my bed for you, " she comments. I just smile towards her, God I'm in love with this girl.

Y/n's P.O.V.


I am looking waiting for the test, and let me tell you this has been the longest 2 minutes of my life since 2017. " Y/n that's two minutes, " Nezza tells me.

" Do you want me to look at it? " Franny asks me, I give her a nod.

Ryan and I had a very, very bad fight. Which I'm just scared it's going to end our relationship, he left during the middle of the night. And I haven't seen him in person in 4 days. I'm sitting on the floor, and Isaac is sitting in my lap. He's turning 3 this year. Which is insane to think. Franny picks it up, and looks at it.

" Positive? " I ask, she nods towards me. She hands me the test and I look to see the two lines. And I instantly break into tears, and both girls come to my side and hug me.

" Don't worry beautiful you and him will make up okay? You two will make up, " Franny whispers to me, I continue crying truly feeling so many emotions I don't know what exactly to feel.

" You two always make up, " Nezza then whispers, I nod in their arms. Isaac has moved, and wrapped his arms around me.

" Thanks bubba, " I whisper. " We should probably get back out there, " I add, they both nod towards me. We get up, and I collect myself and put the test in my backpack. We're at the C4 house, our fight was stupid and all. But he I don't even know what was going through his mind. Because he was truly to say somethings that truly didn't even make sense. Which honestly I wasn't saying things that didn't make sense either, but still it's a whole mess. I just especially now I need to talk to him, but he won't talk to me. And I'm not going to force him, but now more than ever I need to talk to him. I need to talk to him about one the fight, but two and more importantly the kid that is now growing inside of me.

Ryan's P.O.V.

All of the guys were hanging out just having a good time, we're all just talking and stuff. " So when are you going to stop being ridiculous and talk to her? " JC asks.

" JC, what did I say? I told you, we need a little space from each other, " I tell him. He's been bugging me to talk to Y/n, it's been a few weeks since the fight, but something still feels off. She's not telling me something and it's bothering me. Crawford has walked in with a shocked expression written on his face. " Crawford why do you have a pregnancy test? " Christian asks.

" I was picking up someone's bag that fell, and this fell out of it, " he mutters.

" Why are you acting like you've seen a ghost? " JC asks.

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