"Mother," Blaise said in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

One of Aurora's black eyebrows arched slightly. "Am I not allowed to take my son school supply shopping."

"It's not that," Blaise quickly backtracked. "I just thought you were in Italy with Alexander."

"Alexander had an," Aurora trailed off before her lips quirked, "accident."

Harrison saw Cass and Leo exchange smirks out of the corner of his eye however he didn't pay them much attention. He was watching Blaise and his mother converse, something that was always good entertainment. Blaise was always so arrogant and confident that it was interesting to see him lose his confidence, something that almost only happened when his mother was around.

"However before he so tragically passed away," Aurora said with what Harrison knew was fake sadness, "he bought me a lovely villa in Italy. In two days I'll be going there to spend some time to myself, I'll need to mourn." Harrison held in a snort as Draco covered one with a cough. "So I thought you, Anastasia and I could spend some time together. You can both tell me how your summer was."

"Okay," Blaise said with a glance towards his friends.

"Good," Aurora nodded once before turning to Harrison. "So nice to see you again dear, you must come to the manor for dinner tomorrow."

"Of course," Harrison said politely.

"Lovely," Aurora said before straightening her light blue dress robes. "Come Blaise."

After everyone exchanged goodbyes Blaise followed after his mother.

"Well she was as kind as ever," Pansy said sarcastically.

Harrison's lips twitched. "Come on, let's go inside our parents are most likely waiting."

Harrison and his friends walked inside and immediately spotted their parents. Lucius, Rodolphus and Rabastan were conversing in hushed voices while Narcissa and Bellatrix were looking around apparently for them. Harrison couldn't see his other friends parents and guessed they were in some other part of the store.

"Did you all get everything?" Narcissa asked when they walked up to her.

"Yes," Draco answered.

"Good," Lucius said as he looked around the store. "Rodolphus, Rabastan and I will go acquire all of your books." He turned to Luna. "Luna I need your list since you have different books."

Luna pulled the list from the pocket of her red robes and handed it to the Malfoy patriarch. Lucius inclined his head and the three wizards walked away.

"Where's my dad?" Harrison asked as he looked around.

"He had to go pick something up from down the street," Bella replied.

Harrison knew that she meant he needed to get something from Knockturn Alley.

"We should go wait outside now," Narcissa said as she patted down her lavender dress.

Before they began to move a loud voice caught their attention. They all turned around and saw a harassed looking wizard trying to calm everyone down. He was wearing disheveled brown robes and his grey hair was all over the place.

The Son of Lord VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now