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It's been a couple of hours, and it's almost getting dark, Lisa's passed out onto the bed and has barely even flinched from her position, and it seems as if she's in a deep sleep. The curtains are drawn so no light gets in, as I check messages from the soccer group chat, most of them clowning me and Jae for not coming to the soccer practice, apparently pissed that because of us, we'll have another practice tomorrow. Yongsun had sent a message saying that she would be staying over at her friends as it was too late for her to come back anyways. And as far as I knew, my father was in another district for business and my mother had texted something about working the night shift today.It was only Lisa and I.I was probably going to have to sleep in Yongsun's room or something, however just as I'm about to leave the room to get dressed, Lisa's phone rings, and I'm certain it's Jae. Her phone vibrates, and I pick it up quickly before Lisa can wake up, stopping when I see her home lock screen. It's the same as I left it a few weeks ago, the same picture of the both of us sitting on the couch, Lisa's head peacefully laying on mine.She looks happy. Lisa stirs slightly, turning to the side, so I answer the call, as Jae's worried voice comes through. "Lisa? I didn't tell you to stay over, I said maybe a few hours, but it's almost midnight." Jae sounds as if he's going to scold some more but stops. Jae was usually protective over Lisa, but right now he sounds different, tired. There was definitely something going on but I couldn't pinpoint it, since he, like Lisa, decided it was best to cope with things on his own. "Who's are you at? I'll pick you up."

"She's at mine."

Jae's silent, before he speaks up, "Why is she at yours? And why isn't she on the phone?"

"Lisa's sleeping. She's tired."

 That's all I say before Jae can ask any more questions.


Lisa POV

There's a knock on the door, and I feel the weight shift as Jungkook gets off to answer it. Jungkook closes the door softly, but I can hear the voice downstairs asking where I am. It's Jae. I turn to check my phone on Jungkook's bedside table, it's past midnight.

I've been asleep for fucking ages.

I climb out of the bed, walking as silently as possible to the top of the stairs where both of them are standing at the bottom. Jungkook seems to stare at Jae with a sort of hatred before saying, "I just told you, she's sleeping." Jae starts to make his way to the stairs before Jungkook blocks him, and Jae gives a pissed look.

"She's tired, don't wake her up."

"Well I'm not letting her stay over at yours, she needs to come home."Jae stop." 

Jae ignores him, trying to get past him, but Jungkook stops him again. "Why didn't you tell me? That your parent's divorced?"

"Because it has nothing to do with you." I had thought the both of them had made up, but it seemed Jae was still somewhat mad about everything that happened. 

"Well, what about Lisa?"

"What about her?"

" I-If you told me then maybe I would've had an idea why she was acting so off.

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