Chapter Forty-Eight

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"In third place, winning five thousand dollars..."

Here we go.

"Sarah Molina!"

My body shuddered so much that I almost forgot to clap. There were only two spots left and there were at least thirty other solo dancers. Sarah Molina was a great contender. Her routine was fantastic. Doubt crept into my bones. There was no way that I could compete. Sarah had only won third place, and I found her to be better than I!

"We have, in second place, winning fifteen thousand dollars... Laura Benson!"

My stomach dropped into my shoes. Laura won second place. Her turns were always sturdy and leaps perfectly parallel to the floor. My heart pounded so loud that I could taste the blood.

I squeezed Nancy's hand, gripping harder than I did the bars on a roller coaster.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in first place, the winner of twenty-five thousand dollars and the first place trophy... your winner of the Fall Dance Solo Championship...."

One breath in.

One breath out.

"Millie Laken!"

"Ah!" Nancy screamed next to me, springing up from her chair. I could hear my mother's ear piercing scream from the other end of the auditorium. My body froze to the chair I was in. I had almost missed why they both were screaming, or why Nancy was shaking my arm like she wanted to rip it off. Only for a moment was I confused on why my team members had sprung up in an excited uproar.

My name.

The announcers called my name.

Slowly, I stood up and, almost tripping over my shaky legs, made my way up to the stage. The announcers beamed at me, holding their hands out for shakes. I shook each of their hands but each of their grips felt numb. Afraid that my noodle hands would drop the trophy, I almost didn't want to take it, but I forced myself to.

When I faced forward, staring out into the crowd, it was then I realized that I was grinning like a mad woman. My cheeks cramped, but I didn't care. My heart pounded and a lump formed in my throat.

I have worked so hard my entire life to be a great dancer. Today, I was finally getting rewarded, and not just for smiling and being cute. I was being rewarded for something I had done, something I had created all on my own.

All of my hard work paid off.

"We love you, Millie!" a group off to my right screamed. I eyed them, finding Ezra, Harry, Leo, my parents and Roman's grandparents. I noticed that Roman's parents weren't to be found. Maybe they left?

A warm tear slipped down my face as I held the trophy up, earning more claps from the crowd.

Just as I pulled it back down to my side, my eyes flitted over the back of the room. My gaze traveled over a familiar face, but it didn't grab my attention at first. After doing a double take, I wasn't sure if I was relieved or felt regret.

There he was in the doorway, hands in his jean pockets and dark hair gelled to perfection.


My Roman.

Although he wasn't clapping, I could see the pride and love in his eyes as he stared at me and only me. His lips moved upwards and he nodded once. It was a silent congratulations.

He's here! He came! Did he see my performances?

If so, then where had he been the entire time?

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