Chapter Twenty-Five

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"You're joking!" I laughed out, holding my stomach because the muscles hurt so much. Ezra laughed uncontrollably along with me, his cheeks bright red from both the giggles and the alcohol.

"Dead serious! That stick came up and poked me right in the nards. I'm telling you, Millie, I had never felt so much pain in my life," Ezra explained his story, making me die of laughter for the one hundredth time in the last few minutes.

I looked up to the sky as my jaw dropped from my giggles. I quickly looked down, though, feeling too dizzy from all of the spinning stars. A part of me wanted another drink to keep the happy vibes going, but the larger part of me knew that I had definitely had enough.

Ezra and I were sitting in the grass on the side of the house, our empty cups leaning over in the green bristles. A few party stragglers walked by from time to time, but for the most part we were alone. Ezra and I have been sharing childhood stories back and forth. He told me about his hometown and his family. He lived with his mom, dad, and little sister, Peggy.

I loved hearing Ezra talk about his family. With his accent, he could talk about anything and I would be content, but his family and childhood memories were my favorite to hear about.

The more he talked, the more I wanted him to continue. The way his lips moved did something to my insides. His voice was sweet velvet. It was so smooth and elegant.

Now that he was drunk, his words came out even slower than before. His voice sounded a little deeper as well, which I found to be extremely sexy.

He continued to talk as I stared at his moist lips. Before I knew what I was doing, I leaned forward, my mouth clutching on to his. He froze at first, being caught off guard, but it didn't take his drunken state too long to bounce back. Ezra moved his soft lips against mine, reaching to place a palm on the side of my head.

Sitting back, I bit my lip.

"Sorry," I began, but not meaning it. I was just trying to be nice. "I shouldn't have done that without asking."

Ezra swallowed, looking intensely into my eyes. He scooted closer, his irises moving from my lips to my eyes and back down.

"Don't ever be sorry for kissing me, Millie," he whispered before pressing his mouth to mine again. It was different from our first kiss. His mouth had traces of alcohol and his lips pressed onto mine rougher than he did at the park.

I wasn't complaining, though.

As our kisses sped up, we both moved closer until our bodies were practically pressed against each other. Our kisses were a little sloppy, but I loved them. With each hard press of our lips, the hotter the pit of my stomach got. My heart pounded and my breathing became ragged as we picked up speed.

Ezra's hands slid down my face and shoulders, gliding down my arms. I almost moaned just from that. I brought my own hands up, pressing my palms to his cheeks. I had never done this with anyone before. Hopefully my clumsy hands could do it properly.

He sucked at my bottom lip, earning a moan from me, which caused him to do it again.

I moaned louder.

Ezra's mouth moved even faster, pecking me again and again before sucking on my bottom lip, and then repeating the whole process. I let it go for as long as I could, but my excited hormones gave me a better idea.

Falling away from him quickly, Ezra looked confused at our broken kiss. Using his shoulder as a crutch to help my wobbly legs, I stood to my feet. When I was balanced, as much as I could be in wedges, I held a hand out to him with a mischievous smile.

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