Chapter Nine

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I spent second and third hour alone. Fourth hour was now finally over, signaling lunch. After grabbing my bag from my locker, I made my way to the cafeteria. As I approached, someone tapped me on the back. I turned to find McKenna. It took everything in me not to roll my eyes.

"Hey," she smiled.


"Thanks for letting me walk Ezra to class. He's so cute, isn't he!" she gushed, making my insides ignite with jealousy. I hated that she got to spend that time with Ezra and I hated that she found him cute. I knew other girls did, but hopefully he didn't notice.

I gave a fake laugh as she wrapped an arm around me. I frowned, silently asking what she was doing. She leaned in close, guiding me through the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Between you and me," McKenna whispered close to my ear. "He's adorable, but he ain't got a thing on Roman." Just then, our eyes caught sight of the man himself.

Roman was sitting at his usual table surrounded by friends. It looked as if they were playing some kind of game with a quarter. In a second, they all erupted with rowdy cheers, Roman's being the loudest. His dark eyes twinkled with fun and his smile was bright.

I looked away instantly as McKenna moved away from me. She strutted in her wedges over to Roman's table. I walked off to the left, plopping down in the empty chair next to Cora.

"Hey! Wow, you look amazing!" she gushed, but then quieted down when she noticed my sour mood.

"Are you okay?" she asked kindly.

I sighed. "Just kind of an annoying day," I answered her, opening my lunch.

"Welcome to highschool," she giggled slightly, taking a bite of her chicken. "So," she continued after swallowing. "Have you seen any more of that new kid?"

That perked me up some. Mustering a smile, I turned to her. Her short, brown hair was straight, a cardigan wrapped over the dress she wore. She sat with her back straight and shoulders back. She really was proper for a high schooler.

I explained to Cora about Ezra and I's first time meeting, with the watch conversation and everything. I then explained the events of today and how he passed me notes. I ended it with McKenna and her thieving claws stealing him away from me. With every detail I could remember to tell her, her already big eyes widened in saucers.

"Millie!" she squealed.

"What?" I asked, confused. Cora leaned in closer.

"He was totally flirting with you! He was telling you that you had a pretty voice! And note passing? I think he's already in love!"

I choked on my sip of water, shaking my head instantly.

"There is no way that he likes me already, Cora. Trust me. And with the flirting..."

I stopped and thought about it. 

Based on those properties, you must be Millie Laken. 

Those were the words he had told me before shaking my hand. My eyes widened. How come I didn't notice before? Was he actually flirting, or being kind? How come it was so difficult to tell the difference? Ezra actually flirting with me because he liked me sounded impossible. I simply couldn't believe it.

"I don't know, Cora. Maybe he was being overly nice so he could make some friends."

Cora rolled her eyes and turned back to her food, picking at her chicken again. "Whatever you say. I'm not an expert when it comes to this stuff either, but my gut says that he already has a thing for you."

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