Chapter Eight

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The next morning, I groggily slumped out of bed, my eyes in slits. That was until I remembered that Presley High School had a new student. An attractive one at that.

I quickly put on a skirt and a nice blouse, this time wearing heels. I hadn't worn them in a while, feeling more comfortable in my sandals, but I had a guy to impress.

Plus, I felt different this morning. More daring.

I knew the reason why and I tried my hardest to forget it. It was great and all, but then I started remembering that Roman was accidentally a part of it.

How did that even happen? I blamed my phone for flashing his name, because once I read the text, I imagined his voice saying it and his face soon followed.

Stupid phone.

I sighed, shaking my head to forget about the sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. Mostly to distract myself, I curled my blonde hair until it fell just above my breasts in cute curls. I added makeup today and smeared some lotion on my legs after.

By the time I was done, I had to be heading to school. I checked myself in the mirror once, smiling at my appearance. The black heels made me look taller, and the blouse showed a little bit of cleavage, not that I had much to show off anyway.

I added some short, dangly earrings to complete everything. With the blush on my cheeks and lipstick on my lips, I grabbed my bag and moved downstairs.

Right when I hit the bottom, I flipped my phone and tapped at the screen, waking it up. I sighed, not wanting to text Roman this morning, but I knew I had to.

Roman: Want a ride to school?

Millie: I think I'll drive myself today, thanks :)

I sighed out as if it were the hardest text I had ever sent. It was a little difficult adding the smiley face at the end, since it wasn't what I was feeling. I felt more vulnerable and weird.

"Whoa," my dad's voice made me look up. He had a coffee mug in his hand, stopping just before it could reach his mouth. His eyes were on me.

He had short, brown hair and was wearing a dark grey suit with a blue tie. He was tall and muscular, with a few grey hairs on his head. No hair on his face.

"What are you all dressed up for?" he asked, a twinkle in his brown eye.

"She's a lady. Does she need a reason?" my mom teased. She walked past me, dressed in her aqua colored scrubs, placing a single kiss on my head before disappearing.

"Your lunch is on the counter, Millie!" my mom called from the hallway. I called back with, "Okay."

I moved to give my dad a hug before stepping to the counter. I grabbed the bag of food and shoved it in my backpack before grabbing a bottle of water.

"How is training going? Are you ready for competition?" he asked, sipping down the rest of his coffee before turning to put the mug in the empty sink.

"I think so," I nodded, taking a few sips of my water. I felt too weird this morning to eat anything. "I just have to finish creating my routine and I should be good to go," I said, leading on that I actually had started making a routine. I was still too mixed in with my old style to come up with anything new.

"That's my girl," he said proudly. My phone buzzed and I checked it.

Roman: Loser lol.

I soon said goodbye to my dad with a kiss, doing the same to my mom before rushing as fast as I could out the door. Making sure to buckle up and check one more time in the mirror, I backed up and raced off to school.

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