Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Ezra," I whispered out as he continued kissing farther down my neck. I looked up to the night sky to give him more access. His soft lips moved from my collar bone down to my sternum. My insides ignited.

"You're so beautiful, Millie," Ezra whispered as he continued kissing me gently. My fingers tangled in his soft, curly hair. With the gentle breeze and the moon shining over us, it was the perfect moment.

It was getting harder and harder to control my breath as Ezra prolonged his assault on my skin. I wanted him closer to me. I wanted his skin against mine. I wanted to kiss him. There was so much I wanted at that moment that I just couldn't let it go.

"Ezra?" I asked softly, my eyes dancing around from star to star above me.

"Yes, beautiful?" he asked, kissing my cheeks before pushing himself up just enough so that he could look into my eyes. A hand of mine slid from his hair to hold the side of his face. As he stared down at me, I felt extremely nervous, but at the same time, calm. Ezra's blue eyes were wondrous and made me feel so many things. I swallowed, glancing away from him as I spoke.

"Can you touch me?"

. . .

"Dad!" I laughed out, dropping my fork and covering my face with my hands. My mother was crying of laughter while Ezra joined in with her. All of our faces were red from giggle fits.

"I'm going to do it, Millie!" my dad said with a determined pat on the wooden table. "Ready?" he asked the family.

"You've got it," Ezra encouraged. The table quieted down, with my mother covering her mouth to stay silent. Her eyes were watering as she smothered her laughter. Before I could stop him, my dad spoke again.

"Hello, love! I'm chuffed to bits! But there is a bloody itch on me bum! Fancy a scratch?" my dad yelled, his words slurring and others sounding Scottish. Some even sounded a little German. My mother, once again, burst into tears as she banged her hand on the table. Ezra threw his napkin down, covering his face as he laughed out. I had never heard him laugh so much in my life.

The sound was pure heaven.

"Dad, you can't speak with a british accent. You need to give up," I teased, trying not to choke on my food.

"I've got to do something to get your mother to love me!" my dad insisted with a fake worried look. My mother smacked him on the arm with an eye roll.

"Oh, whatever," she smiled, wiping at her eyes.

"It's true," Dad continued. He tapped Ezra once on the arm to get his attention. "That accent does wonders on girls, huh?"

"I believe so. If it weren't for the accent, Millie would have never liked me otherwise," Ezra joked, turning to stick his tongue out at me. I gaped at him, shoving him playfully.

"That is not true, you liar!"

"Anyways..." my mom drew out, giving my dad a playful glare for changing the subject on her earlier. "How are you liking California, Ezra?"

After swallowing a sip of water, he smiled.

"I'm liking it very much. It's quite beautiful and I love the people," he explained.

"And you like where you're living?" she asked curiously, but not unkindly. I perked up, excited to tell my mom who Ezra was living with. It hadn't crossed my mind to tell her until now.

"I love it. The Smith's are wonderful," Ezra commented. My parents gave him curious looks, confused on who that was.

"You know the waiter at the diner, Harry?"

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