Chapter Thirty-Two

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Ezra: Ready?

Ezra: Are you there?

Ezra: Millie, you're an hour late.

Ezra: I'm calling it a night. I hope you're okay.

My eyes scanned the messages from Ezra. My heart thumped loudly as I texted back faster than I ever have before. The last text was sent eight minutes ago. Maybe if I caught him in time, he would change his mind.

Millie: I'm back!

Millie: Please don't change anything. I'll make it.

Checking the time, I saw that it was almost twenty minutes past nine. I got so distracted with the paint, the shower, Roman, and his father that I lost track of time. My hair was still wet and my makeup was running down my face.

At least I got all the paint off.

"So, I think we should reconsider this diet thing again. I've been really craving those cheesy fries," Roman said, walking into his bedroom with a hand on his stomach. How different his voice sounded now compared to how it did when he was washing my body.

I still couldn't believe he did that. We practically took a shower together! My heart pounded at the thought, my mind swirling with too many thoughts to keep track.

I clicked my phone off, turning to face him. His hair was wet, hanging down on his forehead. He wore a different pair of black basketball shorts with no shirt. He walked over, plopping down on his king sized bed.

"Get them if you want them," I told him nicely. Roman shook his head.

"I don't want to get something if you're not going to eat it with me. That takes the fun out of it," Roman scoffed playfully, placing his arms behind his head. This action made his biceps flex.

My phone buzzed. I quickly looked at the screen, finding a message from Ezra.

"Salad it is then," I teased back, taking a seat at Roman's computer desk.

Ezra: I don't know. Maybe we should just reschedule.

Millie: What if I left right now?

I set my phone in my lap, trying to listen to what Roman was saying while paying attention to the screen.

"Sorry about my dad," Roman said, sounding annoyed. I looked over at him, finding he was switching between looking at me and up at his ceiling. "I had no idea he was back yet."

"It's okay," I said honestly. "Thanks for jumping in front of me so quickly," I laughed out. Roman chuckled with a smirk.

"It's what I do," he shrugged, flipping his wet hair to the side.

I almost wanted to ask him to do it again.

Ezra: If you could make it here in ten minutes...

I almost jumped from the computer chair, wanting to burst into action. I had ten minutes to get to the other side of town. How was I supposed to leave if Roman was sitting here? I didn't want to lie to him once again, but if I wanted to see Ezra...

"Hey, I think-"

"Victoria's Secret?" Roman cut me off, eyeing me. My eyebrows furrowed in a questioning manner.

"What?" I blinked.

"Is that where you got your little getup?" Roman asked, running a finger in my direction from my head to my toes and back. He had a little smirk displayed on his face, the one he makes when he's teasing. It took me a moment to understand what he was talking about.

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