Chapter Forty-Five

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Thump. Thump. Thump.

I breathed out slowly through my lips, shaking the nerves from my fingers. I switched between standing on my toes and leaning back on my heels. I swallowed again when the sound of someone walking to the door met my ears.

It was pulled open, revealing a chocolate haired woman. She had a kind smile and dimples. This was no doubt Harry and Leo's mother.

"Hi," she beamed. "You're Millie, yes?"

"That's me," I nodded, shaking her hand quickly. "I just came by to see if Ezra was home."

"Sure, just a second." Harry's mother spun around and walked back into the house, calling out for Ezra. In a second, his familiar footfalls floated to the door before his face appeared. Mrs. Smith left with a wave and disappeared further into the house.

Ezra's blue eyes widened as he took me in. His eyebrows rose in surprise. The bruise on his chin was fully gone. I was happy about that. Hopefully, it didn't hurt too badly.

"Hey," I said, biting my bottom lip once.

"Hey," Ezra replied, leaning against the door frame. He looked almost angry, but I saw that it was a facade. I almost wanted to giggle. He had missed me.

A few awkward moments passed before Ezra finally broke the silence. "Would you like to come in?"

"Oh," I shook my head. "I actually have to get to the studio, but I wanted to stop by and see you first."

"Oh," Ezra said. He checked in the house once before walking towards me. I stepped back and out of his way as he closed the door behind him. He leaned against it, sliding his hands into his khaki jeans. "What's up?"

"Well," I began, shaking the nerves from my body. I shouldn't have even been this nervous.

This is Ezra. The boy you fell for at first glance. The boy you shared your first kiss with. The boy you practically shared your first everything with.

"I came here to apologize and to offer an explanation."

Ezra nodded. "I think I'd like that."

"Ezra," I began, gulping as I looked at his handsome face. The smile I had grown to love wasn't there, but I vowed to see it at least once before I left. "I am so sorry. This horrible week was all my fault."

"I don't really understand what had happened in the first place," Ezra said, expecting an answer. I jumped to it.

"I know," I replied, folding my hands in front of my body. Taking a small breath, I told him the story.

"Sunday night, I came to see you. I overheard you and McKenna talking outside and I assumed the worst. This sounds crazy, but I thought that McKenna was paying you to go out with me."

I was getting tired of explaining that part to people. It was so humiliating. Hopefully Ezra was the last person I had to tell it to.

The british boy gaped down at me. He blinked like I had three heads. "What? Are you serious?"

"I know it's ridiculous, but the things you two said, that's what it sounded like. So I ran to Harry and told him-"

"Ah, so that explains the welt he left on my face," Ezra commented, piecing the story together. The corner of his mouth turned up, his tone lighter.

"Yeah," I drew out with a slight wince. "I'm really sorry about that. I had no idea that he was going to do that."

"It's alright. I guess I deserved it. I should have told you why McKenna was around all the time."

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