Chapter Thirty-Seven

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As I wiped at my tear stricken face, my bottom lip quivered. I couldn't get the flowing from my eyes to stop. Everytime my tears dried and I was ready to go back out there, I'd start crying again.

What was Ezra doing? What was the point of having me around when he also had McKenna? She was gorgeous and rich and everything a guy wanted. I was just... plain, old, boring me. He didn't need me.

Shivers ran down my spine at the thought of Ezra touching me. Did he tell McKenna? Was he spreading the news around school? Maybe he kept me around because he thought I was easy. Would other people in school think so too?

My eyes clenched shut as I sobbed into my hands, fear, stress, regret and sadness taking over. I should have never fallen for him. I shouldn't have trusted him either, especially after the first time catching Ezra and McKenna on a date.

How stupid I am...

With a few more breaths, I gained my composure. Checking myself in the mirror, finding my eyes red, I turned the faucet on and covered my eyes in cold water. When I was all dried and feeling that I wouldn't cry until I got home, I shoved open the bathroom door. The second I rounded the corner, intending to make it to the lobby, something hard ran into me. I was pushed back and yelped as something soft, yet demanding, wrapped around my arm.

I was tugged outside into the night air before whoever it was let go of me. When I had a chance to blink, I found Ezra glaring in front of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Me? What are you doing? You have your hands all over Roman when I'm right in front of you! I know you want to keep us a secret, for God knows what reason, but what you just pulled in there is on a whole other level," Ezra bellowed out through his teeth, trying to keep his voice calm. His eyes were dark and he stood close to me. Too close for my comfort. I took a step back and rolled my eyes at his audacity.

"Oh please. You don't give two shits where my hands are, as long as McKenna's around."

I almost felt guilty for directing a swear word at him, but I was too emotionally distraught to care all too much about my language.

"What?" Ezra asked, his eyebrows furrowing in question.

"You are constantly with her. It's like you two are glued at the hip!"

"And you and Roman aren't?" Ezra argued with a scoff. "I can't even ask you on a date without Roman getting in the way."

"What are you-" I began, but Ezra interrupted me.

"I know about yesterday," he stated, his voice going cold. He wasn't shouting nor whispering. His hands were clenched by his sides. Although he was breathing heavier than normal, he seemed calm enough.


My mouth opened for an excuse to give, but I had nothing to tell him. 

"How did you..." I began.

"Roman sure was excited to tell us about your little paint date," Ezra waved his fingers in the air in exaggeration before glaring at me. He shook his head, placing his hands at his sides once again.

"You ditched me for him," Ezra hissed, throwing a hand towards the diner doors behind me. I shook my head.

"No, I didn't. I made it to Harry's, I just lost track of time," I explained, taking a step closer. Guilt flooded me once again. Ezra was hurt and I completely understood why. I supposed if the roles were reversed, and he skipped out on me for McKenna, I'd freak out too.

But he basically had been doing that this whole time...

Ezra rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his hips. "Right. Lost track of time. Because Roman is the one you wanted to be with that day. If that was true, you should have said something."

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