Chapter Nineteen

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It had been a few minutes since the two left. The same song was playing, so we guessed that they were still deciding what song to play. From across the table, a cherry was blown. I eyed Luke as he drummed his fingers on the table before scratching at his head.

"Well, since Roman stole my date... I think I'm going to go," Luke said and began sliding towards the end of the booth. My eyes widened. Maddy was here with Luke? With the way she was eyeing Roman, I would have never guessed.

Mickey held out a hand.

"They're just changing music, dude. He didn't steal her," Mickey defended his best friend kindly. Luke huffed and shook his head, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, when "changing music" actually means changing music with Roman, let me know," Luke chuckled and clapped Mickey in the chest, stepping aside. He waved to all of us, lingering on me. I gave him a sad smile, seeing the heartbreak in his eyes. He was doing a fantastic job at hiding it.

He passed off an assuring smile before walking towards the door. I looked back down at my chocolate shake, feeling angry with Roman and Maddy both. How could they do that to Luke when he was such a nice guy?

The angry and pity I felt got me to set my hands on the table to push myself up. Everyone eyed me as I moved away from the table.

"I'll be right back," I said, to Ezra mostly, who was staring with curiosity. I quickly walked to the front door and shoved my way through.

Luke was halfway across the parking lot, almost to his car, when I yelled.


He froze before spinning around. When he noticed that it was me, he visibly relaxed. I walked closer to him as he took a few steps my way.

"Hey," I began, not exactly sure what to say. I knew how Luke felt. He probably felt like no one really cared about him at the moment. I had felt that way too many times to let someone else walk from my presence feeling the same way.

"Look... I'm sorry about Roman," I began, apologizing for my friend like I had done before. Why I did it, I didn't know. Roman was someone I had always taken responsibility for, maybe because I knew he'd do the same for me.

"And about Maddy," I rushed out. "You don't deserve that."

Luke was quiet for a minute, glancing at the gravel under our feet. The keys in his hand jingled as he messed with them.

"I guess it was a little odd that she's been asking to hang out with me lately," he began, peering down at his keys that shined under the neon lights of the diner. He shrugged. "I shouldn't be surprised that she was hanging all over Roman tonight."

"I noticed," I mumbled, annoyed with her.

"That's okay I guess. She's kind of a brat anyway," Luke chuckled. I smiled at him, semi relieved that he wasn't a complete wreck over it.

"Well, I just wanted to come make sure you were okay because... I know how you feel. Like, exactly how you feel," I laughed out awkwardly. Luke beamed at me.

Roman's "girlfriends" had abandoned me for him before. They had used me. They had promised me things when they knew they weren't going to give them to me. It was the same thing Maddy did to Luke.

She used him to get closer to Roman and, just like me, he fell for it.

"Thanks, Millie," Luke smiled, messing with his keys again. He stepped back, ready to take off to his car. As I headed inside, he called out to me. I turned to face him.

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