Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Why hello there, beautiful."

I beamed at the sound of that familiar voice. I looked up to peek into happy brown eyes, surrounded by curly hair.

"Hi, Harry," I greeted him with a smile.

"Weren't you here last night?"

"Yes," I nodded, trying not to think about what had happened after the diner. I didn't want to get too excited around Harry. "But I'm back now."

"To see me?" Harry winked, placing his elbows on the table and leaning close.

"Duh, is there any other reason?" I played, making Harry laugh.

"Are you here for food, or just a drink?" Harry asked, placing his chin in the palms of his hands.

"Food. Cora is meeting me," I explained, taking the chance to look at the menu. I wanted something other than a burger today.

"I'll go get your shake then," Harry patted my shoulder before disappearing. Looking up, I eyed the booth that was three tables ahead of me. Ezra and I were there just last night, with everyone else. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

I was still on cloud nine from his kiss.

Before I could dwell too much about that night, my eyes skimmed over to a few of the two-seat tables to my left. My brows furrowed and I almost squinted to see if my eyes were betraying me.

There, sat McKenna Caster and Ezra Jenson, sitting across from each other. They both had food in front of them like they had been here for a while.

My heart beat slowed and my shoulders slouched.

He was here with McKenna? What was he doing here with McKenna? He was just texting me this morning. This is why he hasn't been answering! Was he dating her? How could that be?

It was hard to figure out what was going on because it seemed like he liked me, especially after the way he kissed me, but every time I saw him, he was with her.

I turned away quickly, praying that they wouldn't see me. Maybe Cora and I could go somewhere else for lunch.

"Here you go," Harry said, placing my jumbo glass in front of me. I didn't reply, too lost in thought to answer my friend and waiter.

"You alright?" Harry asked. I swallowed and nodded, feeling a churning in my stomach. I hated seeing Ezra with anyone else, especially someone like McKenna. She was gorgeous and rich and no doubt knew how to have a good time. What did I have against her?

My eyes snapped up as I felt someone slide into the booth in front of me. Expecting Cora, I was a little more grateful that it was the curly haired boy. I was excited for my girlfriend to be here, but I needed a moment to hype myself up after what I just witnessed.

"Okay, what's going on? Seconds ago you had stars in your eyes, and now you look like someone just shot a puppy in front of you."

"It's nothing," I shrugged and began sipping on my chocolate shake. "Can I get a vanilla instead?" I asked, pointing to the glass. Chocolate was related to happiness for me. That wasn't how I was feeling right now.

Confused and upset was about right.

"Now I know something is wrong. You only order vanilla when you're upset. What is it?" Harry begged, his voice soft and caring. I sighed and looked over at their table again. McKenna took a fry from her plate and threw it across the table playfully. Ezra laughed, grabbing it from his lap before taking a bite from it.

I almost walked out right then and there. If it weren't for Harry speaking up, I would have canceled plans with Cora all together.

"Ah, I see," Harry said. I turned to him, finding his gaze on the cute couple.

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