Chapter Twenty-Six

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It wasn't long before Ezra and I descended the stairs, hand in hand. The both of us, thankfully, were feeling a little more sober. We had kissed for a little while longer, enjoying each other's company. That was until Roman spam called me. I was needed for beer pong. I knew he wouldn't stop until I came and played with him.

Once Ezra and I got downstairs, I pulled my hand away. He gave me a questioning look as I turned to him.

"So, I'm going to go find Roman. Where are you going to go?" I asked, hinting that we should not be seen together. Ezra didn't understand.

"Well, I was planning on coming with you. I'd like to watch," he smiled. I internally groaned, not finding the will to say no to his adorableness.

"Alright, well..." I began, trying to find a reason for Ezra and I to show up at the pong table separately. I didn't want to be rude and tell him to wait here while I left, but if Roman saw us walking in together, he would ask questions. I didn't want him knowing anything yet.

"Is there any way you could go get me a drink?" I asked kindly. Ezra looked at me as if I had grown three heads.

"You want to drink more?" his eyebrows raised high. I laughed, clutching onto his arm.

"No, water is perfect," I said. He grinned and brought my hand up, kissing my knuckles.

"I'll meet you in the living room, princess," Ezra said before walking away towards the kitchen. My stomach filled with the familiar butterflies at the new nickname. I stepped my way through groups of people, finally making it to the living room.

Roman was sitting on the couch, Cora next to him. He had his arm stretched out on the back of the couch, above her head. He was on his phone while she was watching the beer pong game in front of her. Cora turned and smiled up at him, saying something. He glanced at her before answering back, but not looking interested as he turned back to his phone.

I swallowed, not liking what I was seeing. Cora and Roman sat close, too close for my comfort. As I stared at them, I noticed that something was different about Roman. My eyes locked in on his black hair that wasn't gelled like it usually was. It was hanging down over his forehead and ears. He looked younger that way.

Did he look like that before I went upstairs? I tried to recall, but couldn't remember. If it did, though, I felt that I would have remembered. Why was he styling it differently?

My mind raced to the worst conclusions, all ending in him and Cora. Marching towards them, I put on a smile.

"Hey guys," I greeted them. Cora jumped at the sound of my voice. Roman looked up and beamed.

"Hey! It's about time. We're up next," he said, slipping his phone back in his pocket.

"Aren't you tired of playing beer pong? You've been playing it all night," I acknowledged, sitting on the arm of the couch next to Roman. I looked down at him as he answered.

"Actually, I haven't played a single game since I've been here. Plus, if you were around, you would know that I have spent most of my night outside in the backyard. Even got pushed into the pool, as you can see," he chuckled, pointing to his wet hair. I nodded at his story, happy to know the reason for his hairdo change. I then noticed that his clothes were different too. He wore a grey sweatshirt and a pair of gym shorts that looked a little short on him. His black, Nike Airs appeared dry, though. He must have been wearing Mickey's clothes.

"Where have you been all night?" Roman asked. I looked off somewhere else, trying to find an answer other than the words 'with Ezra Jenson.'

"Oh, you know. Around the house, mingling."

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