Chapter Twenty-One

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I wiped at the water droplets on my face as I drove down the road, the heat on full blast. Rain was pounding against the windshield as my wipers worked to keep up. My phone was connected to the auxiliary cord, playing some soft music in the background. I wanted some background noise so Ezra and I didn't sit in awkward silence, but I was a little nervous about him hearing the songs I had.

He sat next to me, peering out through his window and directing me on where to go from time to time. I had never been happier than I was right now. I thought that things were going to be awkward between us now, but almost the entire car ride, he had been conversing with me about anything and everything. Ezra had once again proved me wrong. He seemed to be just as happy as me, which relieved me more than anyone could know.

"Whoa," Ezra said as a lightning bolt shattered across the entire length of the sky.

"That was a big one," I commented, turning down another road. At this time, one song ended and another began. I smiled to myself, loving Priscilla Ahn. I reached to change the song, though, thinking Ezra would much rather listen to something else. Ezra's head turned around and he leaned closer to the speaker. His eyes lit up.

"I know this song."

My hand froze from changing it.

"You know Priscilla Ahn?" I gaped at him, wanting to stare but knowing that I had to keep my eyes on the road. Ezra chuckled and nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah! My mum listens to her a lot. As embarrassed as I am to admit it... I enjoy her music," Ezra said shyly.

"I love her music!" I replied excitedly. "I've used a few of her songs for dance performances," I explained, smiling out the front windshield. It surprised me to hear that Ezra liked Priscilla, or even heard of her. Roman obviously wasn't a fan. I stopped myself from bringing him into conversation.

"How long have you been dancing for?" Ezra asked.

"Since I was five years old. My mom signed me up for a ballet class and I've been with it ever since."

"So, you only do ballet then?" Ezra questioned curiously. It made my insides twirl as he wanted to know more about me.

"No, I do almost everything," I giggled, trying not to brag about myself. "Ballet, contemporary, hip-hop, jazz, lyrical. I've even done some couples dances."

Ezra listened quietly, nodding along. We made eye contact a few times, but it never lasted as long as I wanted since I had to pay attention to what was up ahead.

It wasn't long before I was pulling into a driveway. The house was painted a navy green color, the front porch light on. It looked like a smaller home, but cozy.

"Thank you for the ride," Ezra said with a dashing smile as he unbuckled.

"Not a problem. I'm glad we got to hang out."

Ezra turned to me and grinned before leaning over the console, attaching a palm to my cheek. He pulled me close to him, kissing me softly. I leaned into him, reveling in the feeling of his kisses. All too soon, he pulled away and smiled at me.

"Me too," he replied. "Text me when you get home?" he asked politely and I nodded. He soon exited the car, leaning down to wave to me through the window. Waving back, I watched as he jogged to the front door, trying to avoid the rain. It wasn't as severe as it had been earlier, but it was still enough to get him to run.

Soon, he walked inside and closed the door. I smiled to myself, pulling out of his parking lot. As I left, I passed a car parked off to the side of the curb. My eyes scrunched together at the older model of a Ford Focus. It had a few dents and chipped areas across the silver paint.

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