Chapter Four

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The next day, after school and dance practice, I had parked my car in the parking lot of one of the greatest diners in all of California. It was quite small and not well known, but it felt like home to me.

Locking my car behind me, I made my way through the small diner doors. Right above the entrance was a large milkshake sign, the cherry on top lighting up. Underneath it, the words 'Booster's Diner' sat in large red letters. The moment I swung the door open with a ding, the smell of burgers and fries swam to my nostrils.

I smiled at the comfort, making my way to a booth. It wasn't long before a waiter came to my aid.

"Oh. Hey, Millie. It's so nice to see your angelic face around here. You should come in more often," the waiter, Harry, said. He flashed a smoulder.

Harry had curly, brown hair with pale skin. He was quite lean, looking more on the thin side. I could see the slight muscles in his arms, but not nearly as large as Roman's. He had an apron wrapped around his waist and a light blue t-shirt on that had the diner's logo in the corner of his chest. He slid the small notepad in the pocket of his apron, leaning towards me with a grin.

Harry Smith. How did I even begin to describe him? He was charming, with an adorable smile and big eyes. Personality wise, he was harmless. Of course, he was one of the biggest flirts in town, but I think he did it more for comedic effect rather than actually attempting to pick up girls.

Freshman year, when I had walked in here for the first time, he was my first waiter. Being a year older than me, he could already have a job. This happened to be his first.

The moment he saw me, he instantly started flirting. That was until his boss came by to smack him on the backside of the head. He secretly continued after that.

Before I left, I was going to tell him that I wasn't interested, but something told me to play along. I wasn't sure if it was his goofy grin, his sparkly green eyes, or just his overall nature, but something told me to keep him in my life.

After that, I had come into the diner a few times a month, sometimes more because their shakes were the best in the world. Harry didn't get the opportunity to be my waiter every time I came in, but when he was... it was a party.

"Harry, I come in so often that you know my order from front to back," I giggled, folding my hands on the table. He beamed down at me.

"Cheeseburger without tomatoes, extra ketchup, small fry with extra salt, and a jumbo, chocolate milkshake with two cherries on top," he recalled to me so fast that I could barely keep up. Before I could say that he was right, he began again.

"Two cherries on top of a jumbo, chocolate milkshake, with fries with extra salt, extra ketchup on a cheeseburger without tomatoes," he joked, his mouth moving just as fast as it did before.

My head tilted back as I laughed, my palms slapping together to applaud him. He folded an arm in front of him, bowing.

"Thank you, thank you," he beamed before turning to walk back, no doubt punching in my order.

"Oh, wait," I called, reaching to stop him by the elbow. He turned back gracefully. "Could you hold off on the food for a bit? I'm actually waiting on someone," I explained.

His jaw dropped open as he placed a skinny hand over his chest. He scoffed about three times, like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"You're meeting a guy here, and after all these years you wouldn't even give me a shot? What the hell, Millie?" he breathed out, but the corners of his lips quivered as he wanted to smile. I laughed, patting his hand that rested on the edge of my table.

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