Chapter Thirty-Four

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As I ascended the stairs to the Saylors' porch, I made sure my car was locked. I groaned as the front door made a noise when I opened it. Thank goodness neither of Roman's parents decided to lock the front door after I unlocked it. Then I'd have no way in.

I closed and locked the front door before moving to the staircase. As I made my way to Roman's room, I got nervous. He had to talk to me about something and it seemed serious. That was only a smidgen of my worry, though.

What I was more afraid of was Roman's temper. When I checked my phone after Ezra and I's beach experience, I saw that I had several unread texts from him and a missed call. He had been asking where I was and if I was coming back. I never replied.

I felt bad because I told him that I would be back soon. That was a little over four hours ago. Now, I was sneaking back into his place, praying that he was asleep.

When I made it to his room, I entered and closed the door behind me. Roman was sound asleep on one side of the bed. I blew a relieved breath out, making my way to the closet. I quickly changed into some pajamas before climbing into bed with Roman. I scooted closer to him to steal his body heat.

As I stared at his large, tan back, I tried imagining sleeping next to Ezra. Memories of the night we just had flooded my mind, but Roman's cologne overtook my senses. My eyebrows furrowed as I found myself wanting to press my hand to his chiseled back.

I stopped and turned myself around, staring at the closet instead. Roman couldn't overtake my thoughts again. It was Ezra I wanted. Roman was my friend and has never been anything else. It made me feel weird thinking that I wanted to touch him, and thinking about the way he had touched me today.

Forget it, Millie.

As I closed my eyes to get some sleep, I couldn't help but fall asleep to the images of dark brown eyes.

. . .

"Millie," a deep voice said as my body was being shaken. I groaned, wanting the shaking to stop.

"Millie," the voice said louder. "Come on, you gotta get up for school."

School? I had school? Wasn't it a weekend?

If it wasn't then how come my alarm didn't go off?

I smiled slightly, recognizing the sound of my best friend's voice. Reaching my hands above my head, I stretched out the kinks in my body before even opening my eyes. The bed teetered as Roman stood up and walked away.

Checking the time, I jumped out of bed and changed quickly in Roman's closet. I wore a pair of jean shorts and a red t-shirt that said, Dallions Dance Academy on it with a silhouette of a girl doing a leap. Slipping on my sporty, black sandals, I was good to go... well, from the shoulders down. I needed some serious work on my face and hair.

When I exited the closet, my eyes widened at the sight of Roman standing in only a towel. I had no idea that he was in here. Hearing the sound of the closet door open, Roman turned to face me. His hair was dripping water, his tan body still glistening from the steam. A thick, olive green towel hung low on his hips. The happy trail from his belly button disappearing behind it.

"What?" Roman hissed at me, his voice more monotone than it usually was. I was almost caught off guard, but I figured he was just tired.

"Nothing," I cleared my throat before tucking a strand of blonde hair behind my ear. "I just didn't know you were in here."

"It's my room, Millie," Roman mumbled, shuffling around with the clothes on his bed. His back was facing me, but I didn't have to see his face to know that he was more than annoyed. He was angry.

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