Chapter Fourteen

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Everyone stayed relatively quiet throughout the movie, aside from Roman who hooted and hollered when the main character ever did something "badass."

His words, not mine.

I tried holding my composure, keeping my eyes on the screen, but I couldn't help it, knowing that Ezra was just three chairs away from me. There were times when I snuck glances, finding his wide eyes trained on the screen. McKenna was on her phone for most of the movie. I also caught her looking at Roman a few good times. Cora was quiet.

At other moments, I felt gazes on me.

Ezra and I made eye contact and smiled at each other five times during the two hour movie.

I was relieved when the credits finally rolled. Not that it was a bad movie, but I was anxious to strike a conversation with the English boy again.

The few people in the seats ahead of us got up and left immediately. I stayed put, knowing Roman didn't like leaving until the end credits were over as well.

Cora began to stand, but I stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. She questioned me with her big eyes.

"Roman won't let us leave until after the end credits."

Cora looked over at Roman, who was talking to McKenna on his other side.


I shrugged. "I guess he's afraid that he'll miss something," I said. Cora laughed and shook her head, settling back down in her seat. I suppose this gave me at least one more chance to look at Ezra. I leaned forward over Roman's giant shoulder.

Ezra's blue eyes were already on me. He nodded his head towards McKenna before rolling his eyes, and then smiled playfully. I giggled, liking that he found McKenna annoying too.

"Damn that was a good movie!" Roman boomed suddenly, making me nearly jump out of my seat. I smacked his hard chest.

"Stop yelling, Roman Lee."

"Why? Is the full theater going to tell on me?" he joked, searching around all of the now empty chairs. I laughed at him and shook my head.

"No, because your voice is giving me a headache," I teased. I turned to catch my best friend's gape. His mouth was open and he had a hurt expression.

Roman then leaned forward, his mouth pressing to the side of my head, close to my ear.

"La, la, la, la..." he began singing loudly. My hand smacked at my ear while the other tried pushing him away. When I did this, my knuckles whacked at something sitting in Roman's cup holder.

Skittles soon flew all over his lap.

Roman jumped into action, trying to catch them all before they hit the floor. Most of them stayed in the chair, but there were a few stragglers that bounced off of the tiled aisle.

"What are you guys doing?" McKenna asked.

"Mille's over here knocking shit over!" Roman blamed me, putting the candy back in the bag as best as he could.

"No I'm not!" I argued, not wanting to look clumsy in front of Ezra. "Roman was yelling in my ear."

"Oh yeah? Was I?" Roman turned to me, his eyes gleaming with mischief. Suddenly, his fingers wrapped around the top of my blouse and he yanked. Before I could push him off, candy fell through the top of my shirt and into my bra.

I jumped up, immediately trying to shake them out.

"Roman!" I gasped, feeling guilty for letting the little colorful candies fall on the floor. I was sure the workers weren't going to be happy about that.

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