Chapter Forty-Three

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It was Monday morning. I had fallen asleep the second I got home from the diner. All of the crying wore my body out. I almost thought about skipping, but knew that that wouldn't be an option. Millie Rose Laken had to face the day head on.

I wore a pair of leggings and tennis shoes with a hoodie. It was hot outside, but the school kept it's halls quite frigid. My body temperature seemed to drop as well.

As I got out of my car, locking it, I made my way inside the building of Presley High School. I rubbed at my tired eyes, thankful that I wore no makeup today.

I made my way to first hour, not bothering to even look at the desk in the front row. Steering clear of it was easier than facing the person who sat there. I plopped down in the seat at the back, lying my head on my desk. I had almost fallen back to sleep when someone touched my arm.

I looked up, wondering if one of the skater kids who sat back here needed to borrow a pencil again. Cringing in my seat, I chewed on my cheek when I found Ezra hovering over me.

He wore a jacket and a pair of jeans. His eyes were blazing, his sandy hair messier than how he usually wore it. He had dark circles under his eyes. As I stared at him, I noticed something painted on his chin. There, in the spot between his cheek and chin, was a bruise. It was large, but not dark yet.

"You haven't been answering your phone," he stated, his voice filled with annoyance. His eyebrows furrowed as the corners of his lips dipped.

Ezra had called and texted this morning, but I left him on read every time. I didn't want to talk to him, and I was hoping that something would cause him to stay out of school today.

"And?" I grumbled out. Ezra's jaw dropped, perplexed by my reply.

"And I would like to know why Harry stormed into the house last night, yanked me out of bed and bloody punched me in the face," Ezra growled, pointing to his bruise. I blinked rapidly. Harry punched Ezra? My heart almost warmed at the thought. Harry really did care.

"I didn't know about that," I said simply, lacking more words to say to him. Ezra scoffed.

"Well, you must know something because Harry cussed me out for "treating you badly," Ezra said, using finger quotations. "So what the hell?"

"How much are you going to get paid for this conversation?" I asked, eyeing my desk. Ezra's face twisted as he leaned back.


"Class is about to start. Better go sit down," I said, not wanting to look at him anymore. I just wanted to be left alone by everybody.

"Millie, you better explain-"

"Sit. Down."

My eyes glared at his face. He immediately stopped talking, his eyes flashing with hurt and frustration. He breathed out, like he desperately wanted to say something, but he changed his mind. He shook his head and stomped away, falling down in his chair in the front row.

My eyes welled up with tears as I placed my head in my hands again, ready for today, and the rest of the school year, to be over.

After class, Ezra jumped up and ran out of the room. I slowly walked, making sure to add as much distance between Ezra and I as possible. I moved on from class to class, only being able to pay attention to the lectures half of the time.

Harry had kept in contact, asking every other hour how I was doing. I texted him a few times, but didn't have the energy to hold a conversation. I told myself that I would go see him at the diner sometime this week to make up for my lack of communication today.

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