Chapter Five

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"Ow," I let out a yelp, swatting at whatever was attacking my ear. I turned to find my giant of a friend stepping in stride beside me. His finger continued to flick my ear until I turned on him sharply.

"Would you quit it!?" I whisper yelled to him, shoving him away from me. He chuckled at my faux annoyed expression, doing as I asked and dropping his hand.

It was now thankfully Friday. I hadn't seen Roman in the last two days because I was busy with dance class right after school, and hanging out with Cora right after that.

And what was the first thing the beast decided to do when he saw me?

Flick the living hell out of my ear!

Roman shoved his hands in his jean pockets, walking with me down the hallway. I carried my books in front of me. He carried none.

As we moved past the other students, I felt stares from every direction. I knew they weren't directed at me, but at the super handsome guy on my left. Sneaking a few glances off to the sides, all I caught were girls staring holes through him. They were eyeing him up and down, leaning over to whisper to their gal pals.

Roman Lee didn't seem to notice as he kept his gaze straight ahead. Either that, or he chose to ignore everyone.

"So," Roman began, bending down some as he walked so he could talk to me. I tried stretching my body up for him, but it was no use. He was too tall.

"Did you hear about the new foreign exchange student?" Roman asked before a guy clapped him on his back. Roman turned, walking backwards, somehow still keeping up with me. He gave the random guy a high-five, mentioning something about a game they were to play later. When Roman turned back to me, I spoke.

"No, I haven't heard anything," I said honestly. I guessed that he got his information from McKenna.

Or did everyone know about this foreign exchange student and I was just late to the party?

"Yeah. I heard she's from Russia or something like that," my best friend informed me. I nodded my head, showing him that I was listening. I knew that it was just general information, since him and I both knew that I wasn't going to be getting super close with her.

I wasn't a complete loner. I had Cora now, but even still, I walked on eggshells around her. I talked to classmates and teachers, but being actual friends with people was a little more difficult for me.

I guess being stuck in the shadows of the golden boy was a consequence that came with being his best friend.

As I took in the information, I couldn't help but make a quick joke.

"Well, don't go Russian into her pants or anything," I said, laughing at my pun. Roman frowned down at me, looking as if I were crazy. I saw his eyebrows twitching though, signaling that he wanted to laugh.

"Your jokes aren't funny," Roman shook his head at me.

"You're laughing!" I insisted, pointing at his lips. He couldn't hold it in anymore and his handsome smile broke way. I laughed even harder when he chuckled.


"Well, if I see her in any of my classes, I'll be sure to say hi," I said truthfully, wanting to be nice and encouraging. I didn't exactly know how it felt to be in a new school, but I bet it was scary, especially being from a completely different country.

"Yo, Saylor!" someone called out above the crowd's loud volume. Roman and I turned our backs to face Mickey, who was jogging towards us. A hand moved up to slide his hair back. I could practically hear the girls squealing at the sight from here.

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