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Simon Minter's p o v -

I heard the alarm go off and laid in bed and groaned. I hated mornings more than anything. I could hear people up and about already. No doubt Josh or Vik they were always the early birds in this house. However me, Harry and Tobi were not.

I rolled out my bed and went to my bathroom and jumped in the shower. We had not long just got back from our holiday in Ibiza but we couldn't miss the first day of our last year in uni. We have to make them think putting us five together in the same place was good thing. Which it was, but one slip up and they would make us go back to our old dorms which was shit.

"You up Si?", I heard Josh shout from the other side of my bedroom door. I shut the shower off and went into my room. "Yeah just getting changed", I shouted back throwing clothes right left and centre around my room. I hadn't really unpacked any of my shit from my suitcase so it was just whatever was clean.

"Pancakes and coffee on the table. Me and Vik are going to the lab early", Josh shouted back and I just shouted a quick thank you and see you later to him. I could hear Harry was up by the music which wasn't too loud but it certainly wasn't quiet.

I put some black loose pants on but not too loose, and then chucked a random shirt on and then put a red and black hoodie on top. I grabbed my phone, bag and shoes and headed to the kitchen where a half dead Tobi sat and a singing but hungover Harry was. I smiled and them and Tobi half smiled back whilst Harry just sang with a mouthful of pancakes.

I put my shoes on and then put some coffee in one of them cups you can take places... a flask? i dont know but one of them things and then grabbed a pancake. Since I was driving and everyone was practically ready i ate half the food I had and then got my keys and we all headed out the door.

"Did you hear who comes back from boarding school this year?", Harry mumbles to Tobi, maybe hoping I wouldn't hear. I act as if I didn't hear him and Tobi raises his eyebrow. "Who?", he whispers looking worried.
"Jide, honestly i dont know why he's back but he is and he is finishing his last year with our year", Harry whispers back annoyed.

They never liked JJ but I grew up with him and he wasn't always such a dickhead. I can remember when he was nice and somewhat innocent. He was always on the wild side of life but that's what was fun about being around him. But once we hit teenage years he left and became a dick to me and the lads.

The only one out of our group that stuck with him was Ethan but I think he only did that because JJ has something over him. I knock the radio on and the two shut up and smile at me which I return. I mean I have to act as if I didn't know the guy who made my life hell was coming back to probably finish it off.

We arrived at the building about twenty minutes later and we all jumped out. "What lessons you got now?", Harry asked. He had always been somewhat protective of me and wanted people to know that. Harry was indeed very strong and he ran nearly every sport club that there was in this school. He was good at everything.

"I have english", I say groaning. Why I chose to take english as a higher shitty major I never will know but I guess it's better than maths. Harry sighs and looks at me. "Me and Tobi have history, we're in building B meaning your in A or C but we will meet you on the field for break right after ok?", Harry asks smiling and I smile and nod back at him.

I lock the car up and head into building A and i can hear the gossiping happening everywhere. No doubt they're talking about their summers and how great it was. I wasn't looking where I was going and i walked into someone. "You alright mate?", someone asked and I looked up and seen Ethan...thankfully JJ wasn't with him.

"Yeah sorry about that man...good to see you but I gotta get to my class", I say quietly. Ethan was in on some of the bullying but you could tell he sometimes didn't want to be but whatever the fuck JJ is holding over him was something very important. Ethan moves and lets me past to get to my lesson but the smirk that was held on his face didn't half make me scared.

I reached the classroom and I was the first one here...no surprise there was still about five minutes before lesson and everyone wants to have any minute they can away from this lesson. The teacher was a bitch like there is a normal bitch then there is this bitch. She just thinks she's everything because she is a teacher.

Five minutes rolls past and soon everyone piles in, I sit at the back in the corner, our classrooms are like the ones that are the further back you go the higher it gets, but it's good since i can sit at the back on my own.

No one sits next to me which is a relief and the teacher starts getting on with the lesson, but just about half an hour in the door opens and lord behold Ethan fucking Payne and JJ Olatunji.

I mentally groan hoping that they will leave me alone and i sigh when they go to take a seat in the middle but then bitch lady speaks up..."Um no Ethan at the front and Olajide....at the back next to mr minter please", she says looking at me smiling.

My face drops even more if that is possible. She knows we don't get along. What a fucking bitch.

"How are you Si?", JJ asks nicely which yes took me by surprise but i ignore him non of the less. He is bad and all trouble and i can't afford to be seen hanging round with him. I am the good child and i dont need anyone bringing that rep down.

JJ shifts awkwardly and i suddenly feel bad. I look at him and sigh. He has that sad look on his face that he would have if our parents said no for us to go to the park and get ice cream together. But they were the old times and we were never going to get them back where we? He had changed and so had i but it was different for both of us really. He was popular and cool and i was a nobody and a nerd.

"I'm good Jide", i said quietly and he looks up at me smiling. I smile a little and look away from him. I can't be sucked back in by him, he never was my friend and this was another prank and some way to be horrible.

"How was the holidays?", JJ mumbles not knowing whether he should make a convo or not. I sighed smiling remembering the ibiza sun and beaches and god...the bodies. The amazing mens bodies.

I look at him not knowing whether he is actually interested in the summer. "It was a good holiday, went to Ibiza and seen some good things...especially the fit people", i whisper the last part and he hears it and laughs making everyone look at us and i turn red instantly.

He doesn't care that people look at him but i do me and him are complete opposites sometimes it's mad. "Why are you here?", i ask bluntly and it must of taken him back because he looked offended but before i could say anything he shrugged and got up and left through the door at the back which led him outside.

i rolled my eyes and decided to follow his dramatic arse.

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