Chapter One

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(Full out: performing to your highest ability; to go as far as possible with maximum effort or power.)

I cringed, biting the inside of my cheek as I stared at the screen. I reached forward and turned the brightness down, hoping that that would help the scene look... not so horrible.

Of course, it didn't help.

Training my eyes down, wanting to distract myself from the two men with large ball gags in their mouths, I picked at the chips lying in front of me. Some looked too burnt. Others were curled over themselves.

Gross, I thought to myself before shoving them further to the bottom of the bag. My fingers inched their way into the greasy bag, plucking out a perfectly flat chip. I crunched away, forcing myself to turn back to the screen.


I gasped as a man wearing a gimp suit jumped out, joining the room filled with four men, two of which I was getting super bad vibes from. I munched on my BBQ chips, hoping that the delicious taste of them would distract from the disturbing scene.

It didn't, but they were still yummy.

It was only minutes later that my mouth fell open, my eyes widening. One of the bad men in the movie took one of the gagged men to the back. I couldn't see what was happening, but I could imagine from the grunts, words yelled, and slapping sounds that someone was getting raped.

I almost threw up right then and there.

Immediately, I pushed myself up from my position on my stomach, curling to sit on my knees. My body wobbled a bit from the squishy mattress below me, my knees breaking a few of the chips left in the bag.

I couldn't take the sound of the man getting raped anymore. Before I could think twice, I slapped my laptop closed.

I groaned, wanting the disturbing scene to be wiped from my memory. Rolling up the chip bag, I set it on the floor next to four empty glasses, a package of Oreos, two empty cupcake wrappers, and what I believed to be a pack of gummy worms. Grabbing my phone, I shot a quick text before I lied on my back, intending to sleep.

Millie: How could you make me watch this!?

Swiping my thumb over my phone screen, I set a timer for seven and got comfortable against my tempurpedic pillow. Before long, my heavy eyelids began to fall on their own accord.

Wrapped underneath my light green comforter, everything was perfect, everything except one.

What was it?

Keeping my eyes closed, I thought. It wasn't my bed, nor my pajamas. Not the movie, although that was pretty horrific, and it wasn't the BBQ taste lingering in my mouth.

I then noticed the slight draft wafting around my body. I scrunched my eyes, getting goosebumps from the cold and the feeling that someone was watching me closely.

I pried my eyes open, blinking away as much of the sleepiness as I could.

Looming over me was a human face.

My heart leapt into my throat as I gasped, sitting up faster than my body was ready for. In an instant, my forehead met with something hard, throbbing instantly.

"Ah!" I yelped, my hand attaching itself to my aching forehead. Just as I did this, the person who was standing above me fell backwards with a little yell in surprise. The silhouette stumbled back in the darkness, knocking over picture frames and other cluttering things from my dresser, making them crash to the floor.

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