you get scared of them

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"Don't talk to her either. You are disgusting." He was getting really mad now. "Please leave, you aren't welcome here." The man sighs and starts walking to the door. Atsushi moves you and him away from the door. The man walks out the door with a smug grin. 

When the man has left, Atsushi turns to look at you, but you only look to the ground. You had never heard Atsuhsi use that tone, he was close to the point of yelling. The change in his mood was what scared you the most.

"Oh y/n. I'm sorry for getting so mad." He takes your hand in his. "I'm sorry." He says again. You lean in and give him a hug. You weren't as scared as you were surprised


You weren't an ability user, but you helped around the Port Mafia, like an assistant. You mainly help the black lizard and ordered around the smaller assets of the mafia. Chuuya saw you usually a couple times during the day. Most were passing in the hallways, sometimes you ate lunch in his office.

You had heard that Chuuya was working with the Black Lizard because some person was trying to access personal information from the mafia. You hadn't been told much about it. When you were trying to fill out forms given to you by Kouyou, you got a call. 

"Hello?" You asked. There was noting on the other line for a few seconds. "Is this Y/n?" They ask. "Yes who is this?" They asked you if you knew where a small base connected to the mafia was, you said yes. "We need your help here, Chuuya, he-he's using corruption. Dazai isn't here to stop him." 

You hung up. It's a good thing you know who Dazai is, and you have no other choice than to get him. You leave head-quarters and get into your car. When you arrived at the ADA. You had ran inside. Luckily you didn't have to go any further than the cafe since your target was sitting right there.

"Dazai, I need your help." He looks at your weirdly, them smirks. "Ah ha ha, so that dumb hack rack decided to use corruption." You didn't even tell him.

When he agrees, you take him to the location the person on the phone told you. When you arrived, the place was a mess. Trees knocked down, cars flown all over the place, and the building was have fallen.  Dazai lead you to the back of the building, seemingly knowing where he was. Chuuya was there all red and throwing things around. This made you freeze. You had never seen this side to his ability. 

Dazai had gotten Chuuya to stop due to his ability. He fell to the ground and before he almost passed out, he looked at you with sadness in his eyes. He didn't want you to see this side of him either. 

Even though the sight was horrifying, you needed to make sure he was okay, and you ran to him. He looked exhausted, so you put his head in your lap and brushed his hair back with your fingers. You couldn't seem to stop shaking.

When he woke up, it took a minute for him to remember what had happened. The moment he remembered, he pet your cheek with his hand and apologized profusely. 


He was a scary ma himself. If you look at him wrong he will give you a glare. You were different though. Fyodor never raised his voice at you, and he tells himself he never will. He loved you more than most things and didn't want to see you hurt in any way. 

He keeps his work and home life separated. You getting involved in his work is not something he wants. There were times where Fyodor would work from home but nothing dangerous. You would sometime's visit his base, even though he didn't really want you there. He made sure to always watch over you when you were there.

You had decided to go visit him since he left really abruptly this morning, not even telling you goodbye. This wasn't the first time their obviously so you knew you're way around. Fyodor would most likely be in his office. He tended to keep himself stuck in there, sometimes forgetting what time it was and coming home late.

But, while walking to his office, you hear a voice on the point of yelling. That wasn't normal here, or not what you knew of. It probably wasn't the best idea but you followed the voice. When you got closer, you knew the voice became familiar. The only person who spoke in that accent was Fyodor. You should have waited for him i is office, but you wanted to know what got him so upset. So you decided to look more into it. 

When you finally got to him, he was holding up a man by the collar of his shirt and a knife to his throat. That is the most hostile you have ever seen him, and it was probably one of the most frightening things you've ever seen. 

Finally, he let the man fall to the ground, and started walking away. When he turned the corner, he saw you looking at him with big eyes. Fyodor knew he messed up. When he tried to take a step closer, you pushed yourself all the way up to the wall. "Y/n. You know you have nothing to be afraid of, I won't hurt you." You knew that, but you had literally just saw him almost kill somebody. 

"I'm g-going to head back home, I'm not feeling very well." You say and try to leave, but he grabs your shoulder. He wasn't rough of course. "I'm sorry you had to see that, but just remember that I would never lay a finger on you." You nod, and go to leave. It took a few days for you to warm back up to him, but eventually things were back to normal.

Fyodor blames himself for that, and promised to never act like that again. But there's only so much he can promise.


Akutagawa himself was just a scary person. His exterior can leave someone crying. But we all know he is truly such a softy. Around you at least. He always came to you when he was stressed. Just being around you was comforting to him. You were the only person he trusted to see him like this.  

Although sometimes he wasn't like that. He could be harsh on really bad days, but you couldn't ask anymore from him. He always apologized if he had hurt your fellings. Truly he didn't mean it. 

This was one of those days. He had the roughest day. Aku didn't feel like cuddling or watching a movie with you like normal. He felt the need to cause chaos. When he came home, you coulld tell it was one of those days. He has basically slammed the door shut. You didn't go to greet him because you knew he just needs time by himself. 

There was quiet for a few minutes which was weird, so you decided to go check on him. It too you a minute to find him since he wasn't in the kitchen like you thought. Turns out he was in the bed room, just sitting there. 

"Aku? What's wrong?" You asked him, he looked at you with a glare that literally sent chills to your whole body. This was different than any other you had ever seen. It looked like he wanted to rip someone to pieces. You thought you would never be scared of him, but here you were getting ready to leave.

Akutagawa had noticed the look on your face and knew what you were thinking. His face softens right away. "Y/n?" You look at him and calmed down. All the hostile has left his body. You jump his lap and hug him and he turns soft. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." You nod in his chest knowing he would never purposely try to scare you. "It has just been a hard day." He hugged you like you were a baby. You both stayed like that for a while. 

He felt a lot better when he had been with you. 

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