I gasped in shock. I felt so heartbroken and sad for Sarah. I couldn't imagine the pain Sarah's mum was going through. I felt like I needed to do something to help.

"Sarah! My goodness I am so sorry, is there anything you need me to do?" I worriedly asked, hoping that in some way I could aid and be helpful.

"Oh, Louisa don't worry about it. I should have let you know straightaway, but it slipped my mind. Mum is really fragile at the moment and I'm going have to look after her till she gets better. I've taken two weeks leave from work." Her low and dull tone, echoed into my ear. It was like all her energy had been sucked away.

"Is there anything you want me to do? I can come over and-"

"No!" Sarah quickly interjected, cutting me off, "Honestly don't worry yourself. You need to focus on your job. I will FaceTime you every day just so you can see my face, and to fill me on all the latest with your new job."

I chuckled at Sarah, even in stressed situations, she was able to make light of the situation.

"Fine, but please call me if there's anything you need, I want to be there for you and your mum." I said in a serious tone, making sure she was aware that I was only a phone call away.

"You will be the first one I will call, if I need any help. Now get off the phone and go start your new job! Good luck for today." Sarah gushed down the phone.

"Thank you, Sarah. I'll talk to you later." I happily replied.

"Speak to you later, bye." Sarah said,  hanging up.

Long and slow sighs escaped my mouth, I take note of the time. I needed to make my way up to the top floor, to the land of the unknown, as Sarah and I called it. Very few people had access to the top floor.

With Alexander Pierce being a very private person, only limited people knew what he looked like. I considered myself as one of 'lucky' people who had access to the top floor and to finally see what he looked like.

Just before going up, I made my way to the undercroft, to retrieve my access pass.

"Are you here for your pass?" The receptionist bluntly asked without me saying anything.

I gave her a measly smile and nodded. She did some swift typing on her computer and handed me the card without saying anything. I took the card from her giving her another measly smile.

My shaky legs entered the elevator, taking a deep breath, I press the forbidden button to take me to top floor. After what felt like forever, the lift finally stopped. The doors opened and I was welcomed by an eerie corridor that only went in one direction.

I went down the corridor and I was stopped by a door. This was the forbidden door that no one could pass. I swiped my card at the access point and it flashed red. I looked at it in a confused manner. I couldn't get in. I grunted, annoyed that this was happening on my first day. Pressing the intercom button, I patiently waited hoping I'd get a quick response.

After a few seconds a familiar voice spoke.

"Who is it?"

"It's Louisa." I replied, hoping that whoever was on the other side knew who I was.

"Please hold." the familiar voice responded.

I waited around for a few minutes and then the door opened and I was greeted by Viv. "Louisa, Welcome to your first day up here."

"Thank you." I said smiling at Viv, happy that I was welcomed by a familiar face. "My card wasn't working, so I had to buzz in."

"Oh?" Viv said in a confused tone, "You should have been told that your card needs to be authorised from here."

I rolled my eye at the stuck-up receptionist who didn't even bother to tell me. Closely following Viv inside, I was astonished at what welcomed me.

The main area looked so grand and ravishing. There were small circular tables dispersed, with chairs around them. I assumed this is probably where people up here came to socialise, taking a break from work. The floor had a lovely shine to it, it looked quite slippery, but it was sturdy to walk on. The way the place was decorated, I was in awe.

This main room had many doors and corridors going off in different directions. There was one grand door right at the end, I assumed that was the entrance to Alexander Pierce's office.

"So, how about I give you a tour first." Viv said snapping me out of my trance.

I nodded in anticipation. Viv gave me a tour but everything went in one ear and out the other. This place was like a maze. We were nearing towards the end of the tour, and we reached the grand door.

"So here, is your office." Viv announced, opening the door.

My mouth was gaped wide open, I couldn't believe that the grand door led to my office. The office was bigger than my bedroom. A lovely Oakwood desk and grand chair was situated to the right. I looked to my left and there was a floor to ceiling window looking over the city. There was a three-seater couch and two arm chairs near the window. I had many draws and storage facilities. I was in office heaven. I even had a mini fridge. All the worry I had in the morning was now gone.

I turned back, looking towards my right to see another mysterious door.

"Where does that lead?" I asked pointing.

"That is Mr Pierce's office."

I come to an abrupt stop from gazing. I couldn't grasp the idea that the only access to Alexander Pierce's office, was through mine.

"Wait right here and I'll check if Mr Pierce is free, so I can introduce you to him."

I nodded at Viv, I saw her go towards the door, I tried to peak in but didn't manage to see anything as she abruptly closed the door.

While waiting for Mr Pierce to make an appearance, I turned to admire the view of my office. My ears acknowledged the door opening behind me, but I was so fixated on the view I didn't bring myself to turn around.

"Louisa, meet Mr Alexander Pierce. Mr Pierce, this is Louisa your new personal assistant." Viv's voice caught my attention.

I turned around, feeling excited to finally meet my new boss. When I came face to face with Alexander Pierce. The feeling of excitement disappeared and I was welcomed by the feeling of shock. I couldn't believe my eyes, it felt like everything around me just stopped.

There standing in front of me was the mystery guy.

Mystery guy was my new boss.

Mystery guy was Mr Alexander Pierce

Mystery guy was Mr Alexander Pierce

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So who guessed it? Mystery guy is Alexander Pierce!

Will she be able to work closely with him, after their steamy dance and kiss in the club?

How do you think she's feeling right now.

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Love _xxAMxx

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