you have a panic attack

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Pulling out the dagger attached to his belt, he started worrying that someone had taken you, or worse.

He slid the door open slowly. There was a lump under the covers of the bed. "Yn?!" He called out.

Chuuya rushed over and tugged the blankets down. You were lying there on your side with earbuds in. There were tear streaks down your face.

You had made no reaction to him since your mind was so blurry and confused. Chuuya put his hand to your head and felt that it was a little warm. This time you reacted and looked at him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He took the earbuds out of your ear and set them on the bedside table. Chuuya climbed into the bed next to you.

You just trembled and started crying again. Chuuya rubbed your thighs in a comforting way.

"Hey, look at me. Please take a deep breath with me." You did as he said and instantly felt a look better. He pulled you tight into his chest. "Everything will be fine. Everything will be okay."


"You should go home, Yn's probably worried about you." Gin told her brother as he threw another punch to the punching bag.  Gin was right, but Aku just wanted a few more minutes. "Well, I'm going back to my apartment, see you tomorrow!" She called out leaving. Aku gave her a small wave goodbye.

He thought more about what Gin said. You didn't need to have to spend time worrying about him. He took of the gloves he had on and started getting his stuff together.

The walk home was relatively short. He was exhausted from practicing his fighting skills all day and just wanted to be cuddled up in you arms. Aku smiled thinking about it.

When he got home, he set his bag down by the door and took of his shoes. "Yn. I'm back." He called out, but the apartment was dead silent. No movements, no voice, nothing.

This worried him of course. Normally you would be jumping to him when he got back. You didn't say you would leave today. Maybe you just went on a quick walk he thought.

Akutagawa figured that was the conclusion. You would be back in a couple minutes, right? So he waited on the couch. He passed time by planning tomorrow out.  About 10 minutes had passed and you still weren't back.

Aku put his shoes on and slipped his coat on his shoulders. He wasn't going to wait around any longer. Something bad could have happened to you. So he left the apartment.

Firstly he searched through the halls, then he went to the mail-room. You weren't in either. Aku walked up to the receptionist. She of course remembered his face. "Oh hello Akutagawa. What can I do for you?" The woman had a bright smile.

"Have you seen Yn? She wasn't home which is a little weird." She points over to the exit of the apartments, "I saw them leave about thirty minutes ago, she seemed like she was in a rush." Aku nodded his head and said thank you.

He rushed out of the apartment building and started looking on the main roads. You weren't any where to be seen. Then he started going through the ally-ways. It was getting dark outside and they weren't very safe at night.

Walking into the second ally, he saw a figure sitting on the ground next to an old car. "Yn?" He called out.

You looked up at him, tears still falling from your eyes. "Hey, you could catch a cold sitting out here." He took of his jacket and put it over you, then he sat down next to you.

"What's wrong?" He asked. You shook your head into his shoulder. "Can we talk about it later? I just want to be with you." He mumbles yes. Truly he was very worried about you and would do anything to make you happy.

You both sat there for a while until he insisted you went back to the apartment.

Aku took a nice bath with you and you talked things through.

poe (and karl ofc)

Poe had been exhausting himself extremely. You always hated when he did that. You brought him food and made him at least take small rests. You couldn't be mad though. Writing stories was just his passion, you couldn't change that. It's one thing you love about him.

Contrary to belief, Poe actually pays very close attention to you. When things are different he notices, even if he is tired. So when things had started getting stressful he knew. He also knew that you were overthinking which had been causing you more stress.

He had been caught up in his office room like normal. Working while Karl was lying comfortably on his lap. From time to time, Poe would reach his hand down and give Karl tummy rubs. The raccoon would mewl out.

It was around early afternoon when there was a small, shaky knock on the office door. Poe was about to say 'come in' but Karl jump off his lap and started scratching on the bottom of the door, wanting it open.

"Karl, what's wrong?" Poe questions. Karl just gives a little whine back.

Poe walks over to the door and peeks his head out, Karl zooms through the open spaced. You were standing in front of the door dressed in work clothes. He saw that you had glossy eyes and your arms were shaking a little. Karl had jumped into your arms and started licking your cheek. You gave the furry ball a sweet smile.

"Yn? I-is everything okay?" He had worry in his eyes. You shrugged your shoulders and looked at Karl, petting his head. Poe reached out and grabbed your shoulder which made you look back at him. "Come in, lets sit down." He tells you fully opening the door. You walk in and go side on the love-seat inside. Neither of you said much at first. Karl had been nuzzling into your neck, comforting you.

Suddenly, you just break, falling into his chest. Poe was flustered at first, not really knowing what to do. He just loosely held his arm on your shoulder. "It's okay." He reassures you. You look back up at him and smile, still crying a little.

You grabbed both of his cheeks with your hands and give him a kiss. Poe now is super flustered.

"What's going on?" He asks. You nuzzle into his neck the same way Karl was doing to you earlier, now his little body was trapped between you two. You tell him about what's been happening and he completely understands.

"It's okay to takes breaks form people. Self care isn't being selfish love." He says still rubbing your back. You nod and lean up to kiss his cheek. He just smiles.

tell me your birthday

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