It's currently the lesson before lunch and all I can think about is what happened at the break. I already dismissed the thing that happened in the morning, since Jungkook is ignoring me for some dumb reason, and is still acting like the jerk he is. It just confused me that he could do something like that, actually act like a human with a heart. But the thing that happened at break is still nagging me, I have to do something about it, at least apologize.

Flashback to Break:

I walk down the corridor with Mi Sun when I hear an annoying voice. Jae Hwa.
"Why are you always dressed like that?"
"Dresses like what?" Says an unconcerned voice.
"Dressed like a slut."

When I get closer I see Jae Hwa talking to Jieun, who looks like she's tired of Jae Hwa's pettiness. She probably gets it a lot. Jae Hwa's obsessed with Jungkook, more than any other girl in the school, so hearing that he likes Jieun, her rival, must have made her jealous. Jieun just rolls her eyes and adjusts her bag onto her shoulders starting to walk away when...

Jae Hwa grabs her and smashes her hard against the locker. Then she punches her, if it was possible she punched her harder than I punched Jungkook. Since Jieun was petite, she was quite weak so she couldn't fight back. She held her hand onto her cheek and I could see tears starting to form in her eyes. I look around the crowd searching for Jungkook, I don't know why, but I do. He's near the lockers, meaning he could see everything that was happening. He's walking up to the crowd and when he sees my eyes on him he gives me a glare. A glare so intense it's like he wants to kill me.

"Answer then you ugly piece of shit!" Jae Hwa shouts, and at that point, I lose it, the guilt is too much for me. It's my fault Jieun's getting hurt. I walk up to the front of the crowd despite Mi Sun who tries to hold me back.

"Who are you to say Jieun's a slut." She looks at me raising an eyebrow.
"Oh if it isn't Lisa."
"I'm sorry, but have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately."
She just stares at me.
"You look like your going to a strip club."
And then I laugh.
"Sorry that was wrong, you always look like your going to strip club.
"And you look like your going on a date with Mr. Jung." She snaps back.
I laugh.
"Shut up Jae Hwa, don't forget what I saw a few months ago," I say in a whisper, so only me and Jae Hwa can hear.
I see her smug expression turn into a panicked one.
"If you don't leave Jieun alone, I'll tell everyone," I say.
"You wouldn't dare."
"I would."
We are both speaking so quietly now that the hallway has gone silent. She tries to kick me since she thinks violence is always the answer but I move away quickly so she ends up hitting the locker.

"Sorry but I've already got a bruise here..." I point to my cheek.
"And I don't want another one," I say before grabbing Mi Sun tightly by the wrist and walking away.

Back to Maths:

The truth is me and Jae Hwa have had beef for a long time. She's best friends with Zoe which is weird considering Zoe is so nice and Jae Hwa is so evil. Even though she's a year older than me she hates me, but I can't understand why. I know why I hate her, it's because whoever has that much of an obsession with Jungkook is clearly someone who is dumb and needs help. I would have loved to fight more with her but I pretty much ran off. The only reason for that was that I knew Jieun would try to thank me and I didn't need that. If she did that I would have felt worse for what I did. Now I regret posting that video. I don't want her thanking me, I need to apologize to her. So I made my mind up, I will apologize to Jieun at lunch.

When the bell rings for lunch I run out of the classroom ignoring Ji Sungs screams to wait for him.
I wouldn't anyways he's so slow.

When we sit at the lunch table I practically inhale my food and when I look at Mi Sun she's doing the same thing. She's probably caught on what I'm doing. Ji Sung and Jin just look at us with concerned faces. I almost choke and Jin gives me water hesitantly.

"What are you doing?" Ji Sung asks.
"Oh, I'm going to Jieun."
"I'm going with her too." Says Mi Sun.
"That means you're going to meet Moonbyul." Says Jin
"So?" Says Mi Sun.
"We've already met her," I say through a mouthful of food.
"Last year on Jieuns party."
"Don't worry you made a good decision." Mi Sun says.
"Yeah, she's pretty nice." I agree.
Jin was now blushing from all the compliments we were giving Moonbyul.
"Can you two shut up Jin looks like a fricking tomato." Ji Sung says.
He was probably jealous that he couldn't get a girlfriend.

I don't understand why Mi Sun came but I'm glad she did since I feel nervous. Even though Jieun seems nice she's still older than me(she's in 12th grade) and I'm scared she'll judge me. I hover near her table whilst Mi Sun tells me tips on how to apologize. To be honest I never apologize to people because most of the time I win the fights but I know when I'm in the wrong I need to apologize. Every time I muster the courage to go to her, I end up walking back. Why is it so hard? I guess after a while Jieun realizes I've been standing there for ages and asks me.

"Hi, Lisa do you want to sit?"
"No, it's fine-"
"Here." She says pulling a chair from an empty table and putting it between her and Irene.
"I just wanted to-"
"Oh, Mi Sun do you want to sit too?"
"No it's just that-" She begins but Jieun cuts her off.
"There's a space between Jisoo and Irene."
She looks at us again.
"Just sit down, she won't stop until you will." Says Jisoo.

Me and Mi Sun sit down at the table and I stare at everyone who's looking at us curiously. I sit between Jieun and Irene, next to her is Mi Sun, then Jisoo and Moonbyul. The only person I know properly here is Jisoo which makes me even more nervous.

"Do you want help?" Offers Jieun.
I come here to apologize and she asks if I want help.
"Actually, I just want to say sorry for posting that video, I didn't know the girls were going to be such umm...."
"Female dogs, to put it nicely." Says Moonbyul.
That makes everyone laugh.
"So will you forgive me?" I say giving my best puppy eyes to Jieun.
"Honestly, if you weren't going to say sorry for what you did I was going to hunt you down and rip you apart until-"
"Aggressive much Irene." Says Jisoo.
"It's fine, Jae Hwa's always going to be like that." Says Jieun looking at me.
"But do you forgive me?" I ask
We all sit there in awkward silence, I wish I could say something to break it until Irene speaks up.

"Your Jin's friend aren't you?"

And after that, we all have a long conversation about how boys are stupid until the bell rings and somehow I find myself exchanging phone numbers with all of them. And then I realize something.

Wow, I just made friends.

I remember how Jieun said that I and Jungkook should apologize for posting the photos and how Mi Sun laughed and said she'll buy the whole school drinks the day they say sorry. The thought of saying the word sorry made you feel like puking up. Mi Sun was right you would probably never say sorry to him. During the conversation, you had learned a bit about each one of them. Jieun really was as nice as everyone had said and she had a good sense of humor, Moonbyul, on the other hand, had a dark sense of humor and Irene was just a tad bit aggressive, and since you had known Jisoo ever since you were a child you already knew everything about her.

As I walk down the corridor for my class, I saw Jungkook standing in the doorway looking at me. Was he waiting for me? He looked slightly nervous as he said.

"Hey, Lisa I just wanted to say.."
If he apologizes right now, maybe I might apologize, just maybe...
"Are you and Jieun good friends?"

And I thought he was going to apologize. Keep dreaming Lisa.

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