Gaudian Angel Pt. 2 (Luke x Reggie)

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Warning: Mentions/Referenced/ Attempted suicide

Luke and Reggie were in Luke's room, Luke singing and strumming the guitar, with Reggie singing along.

"Knock knock,"Luke's mom said entering,"You haven't played that in a while."

"I found some inspiration,"Luke said looking to where Reggie sat.

"The doctor called, he was hoping to follow up with you,"His mother said.

"Okay,"Luke said.

"Your dad was gonna run in to the office,"His mother said,"Then after he get's back I'll run to the pharmacy to get your..."

"Mom, you should go with dad, it'll be easier to do in one trip,"Luke said.

"Luke, you know we don't want to,"His mother started.

"I know you don't want to leave me alone. But I promise I'm fine, really,"Luke said,"You won't be gone long and I'll probably just go turn on some cartoons until you get back."

"Luke, I just don't think it's been long enough,"His mother said.

"It's been a month,"Luke said,"You have to start trusting me when I promise you I'm feeling okay. I love you mom, and the only reason everything happened was because I forgot that but I remember now."

"I love you too,"His mother said,"You're sure you'll be alright for 20 minutes?"

"Yeah,"Luke said,"I was even thinking about baking some cookies of something."

"Okay,"His mother said,"But if I call please pick up okay."

"I will, I promise,"Luke said.

"I love you,"She said, hugging him.

"Love you too,"Luke responded before she left.

Luke turned back to Reggie who was smiling.

"Your parents are amazing,"Reggie said.

Luke placed his hand over Reggie's.

"Let's make cookies,"Luke said.

"I can't eat,"Reggie said.

"No, but I can,"Luke said, "So I'll just have to eat enough for the both of us."

When Luke's parents got back he and Reggie were in the kitchen, the counter was a mess but the kitchen smelled great. 

At some point the two had gotten into a flour fight.

"Luke what happened,"His father asked.

"We were making cookies,"Luke answered.

"Who's we,"His mother asked.

"I said me,"Luke said,"Me were making cookies."

"Well, did you actually make any or just get flour all over the floor,"His father asked.

His mother patted his father's arm and then made her way over to look.

"My Luke,"She said cupping his face,"He's back."

Luke smiled, hugging his mom tightly before his dad joined in.

Luke had walked back to his room after a fun movie night with his parents.

"Hey, have fun with your parents,"Reggie asked.

Reggie was sitting in what Luke had decided was Reggie's chair, an arm chair Luke had in his room.

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