The Prince's Curse (Alex x Willie)

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A/N: This is a rewrite!

Prince Alexander of the Kingdom of Norman was cursed.

He wouldn't speak until he got the kiss of his true love.

The King and Queen had insisted that all of the girls of the Prince's age in the kingdom would kiss him.

That started when he was 10.

Once they had gone through all the girls his age in their kingdom, they branched out to others.

Alex was getting tired of letting girls kiss him.

Because the truth was, he was gay.

But he couldn't tell his parents, because he knew that they wouldn't support it.

Then only person that knew was Alex's best friend, Reggie, or Prince Reginald.

"Seriously, how many more girls can there be,"Reggie said.

'I don't know,'Alex signed.

"Do you think once your 18 you can tell them,"Reggie asked,"Since you'll be taking the throne and you can finally get somewhere with the curse."

'I hope so,'Alex signed.

Alex was walking through the halls when he rounded a corner and someone bumped into him, sending him to the ground.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry."

Alex looked at the boy who was scrambling to pick up basket of linens he had dropped.

The boy looked up at him and his big brown eyes grew wide.

"Your highness,"The boy said, immeadiatly bowing,"Please forgive me."

Alex motioned for him to stand up.

"Your highness I am so, so sorry,"The boy said, then he signed,'Please forgive me.'

First of all, Alex was surprised that he knew sign language.

Very few of the palace staff were able to fully communicate with him.

Secondly, now that they both stood straight in front of him, he realized how attractive the boy was.

He had tan skin, and long brown hair that was pulled back in a bun.

'No worries, really,'Alex signed.

"Did I hurt you,"The boy asked,"I understand if you want to fire me."

'No,'Alex signed,'Really, I'm fine. And you're not going to be fired just for bumping into me. It happens.'

The boy smiled.

Wow, that was beautiful.

'What's your name,'Alex asked.

"Willie, your highness,"The boy said.

'Please, don't call me that,'Alex said,'Alex will be just fine.'

'Prince Alexander,'Willie signed.

That was better but...

"I should get going,"Willie said,"Once again, apologies, Prince Alexander."

Willie walked away, leaving Alex to look back at him a moment before continuing down the hall.

Alex had been trying to find Willie whenever he could.

He was one of the few people in the castle that could have a conversation with Alex.

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