Will They Won't They (Luke x Reggie)

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Luke always knew Reggie could write. 

Even though he acted annoyed by Reggie putting country songs in his journal, he always read them. 

And Reggie had left his notebook open on his desk when he went to the bathroom. 

So you really couldn't blame Luke for picking up and looking over the lyrics Reggie had been working on.

How long we gonna do this dance?

Tired of all the "will they, won't they" romance

When you hold my hand, is it just by chance?

Luke was still reading over the lyrics when Reggie came back. 

"Luke,"Reggie exclaimed. 

"Reg, these lyrics are amazing,"Luke said right before Reggie snatched the journal from him. 

Luke looked up to Reggie's face, which had a wide-eyed expression. 

"Sorry,"Luke said, "I didn't mean to invade your privacy or something. But the journal was there and I just looked and you're a great writer Reggie."

"It's just a song,"Reggie said, "And it doesn't even have music yet."

"It's not just a song,"Luke said, "And if you wanted, I could help you work on the music for it. Then the band could learn how to play it and we could add it to our set."

"No,"Reggie blurted. 

Luke's face fell. 

"I didn't,"Reggie started, "I just, it's kinda personal. Not sure I want everyone, or anyone, to hear it."

"That's okay,"Luke said, "I get that."


"You wanna tell me who's it about,"Luke asked. 

Reggie's eyes widened again. 

"It's just,"Luke said, "It's definetly about someone. And I wondered if you wanted to talk about it."

Alex burst right through the door, immeadiatly going on a rant about the cute guy that just ran him over on a skateboard. 

Reggie had avoided the most akward conversation of his life thanks to Alex. 

The song Luke had found, was about him. 

Reggie had realized his crush on Luke almost a year ago, after Luke had gone to Florida for the summer and cut all the sleeves off of his shirts.

But it was more than just physical appearence that attracted Reggie.

Reggie hummed while also playing the notes on Luke's acoustic guitar. 

He was the only one in the studio right now. 

Julie was with Flynn. 

Alex was with Willie, the cute skater guy that had run him over.

And Luke was, somewhere. 

Reggie didn't really know but he had the studio to himself, and Luke's guitar had been there so he was working on the song. 

"Don't mean to press my luck. But for me, this ain't enough. I don't want some overrated lukewarm love,"Reggie sang, "Are we this, or are we that? I'm second-guessing every second, second-guessing every laugh."

"Reggie, that sounds great!"

Reggie's head shot up to find Luke standing against the studios doors. 

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