The Dynamic Duo: Reggie and Willie

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Warning: Not a ship!

This place was practically Willie's, he was always here.

The 5 year old didn't exactly know where here was, just that he was here a lot.

He knew that everytime he came here, he left with a different person and went to stay at a different house.

He also knew that Cindy was the blonde woman who always gave him lollipops, blue ones because they were his favorite.

Willie's legs dangled off the chair as he enjoyed his candy and ignored the adults that looked at him funny.

Willie was busy counting the number tiles on the floor when he heard the sound of sniffling and someone sat in the chair next to him.

He turned to see a boy his age, with pale skin covered in freckles and dark hair that covered his eyes.

The boy was crying, and clutching onto a horse stuffed animal in his arms.

Willie saw new adults talking about the boy the same way they talked about Willie.

Willie looked back at the boy, who wasn't aware that Willie was watching him.

Willie hopped up from his chair and walked up to Cindy, tugging on her skirt.

"Willie,"She said, "Do you need something?"

"Candy,"Willie said.

"You already had a lollipop sweetie,"Cindy responded.

"Not for me,"Willie said, "For him."

He pointed at the boy.

Cindy offered him a red lollipop and Willie walked back over the the boy.

Willie sat back down in the chair next to him, before tapping the boy's shoulder.

The boy looked up at him, wiping at his face and continuing to sniffle.

"Don't be sad,"Willie said, passing the lollipop to the boy, "Here."

The boy looked at it, before taking it.

"Red's my favorite,"The boy said.

"I like blue the best,"Willie said, "My name's Willie."

"I'm Reggie,"The boy answered.

"I like your horse,"Willie said, "Does it have a name?"

"His name's Spirit,"Reggie said.

"Like the movie,"Willie asked, and Reggie nodded, "That one's my favorite!"

"Mine too,"Reggie said.

"We should watch it together,"Willie exclaimed.

"How,"Reggie asked, looking around the room.

Willie thought for a moment, his tongue sticking out.

"I know,"Willie said, "We just have to go to the same house. You're here just like me so that must mean that we both go to new houses."

The boy's eyes started watering again, and Willie reached out to grab his hand.

"No, don't cry,"Willie said, "It's a good thing. Everytime we get a new house we get lollipops from Cindy and new people who want us."

Willie left out the part that eventually those people stop wanting them and that's how they end up back here.

"We would get to go together,"Reggie asked.

"Mhmm, I'll tell Cindy we will go together,"Willie said, jumping up.

Reggie didn't let go of his hand though.

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