A Little More Space (Luke x Reggie)

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"You promised."

Reggie sounded broken.

"I'm sorry."

"Reggie, are you awake,"Julie asked, entering the room.

Reggie grumbled from underneath the covers.

"Reg, it's been a week,"Julie said,"We're all worried about you."

Reggie didn't respond.

"Do you want to talk to Alex,"Julie asked.

"Yes please,"Reggie said.

Julie left and a few moments later Alex entered, closing the door behind him.

"Hey Reg,"Alex said, taking a seat at the foot of the bed.

"Hey,"Reggie responded, his throat dry.

"I know you're upset,"Alex said,"But Julie's right, we're all worried about you. And Luke..."

"Don't, say his name, please,"Reggie said.

"He's worried too Reg,"Alex said,"But he's giving you space."

"I don't want to see him ever again,"Reggie said.

"Don't say that,"Alex said,"You guys love each other."

"If he loved me he wouldn't have broken his promise,"Reggie said.

"He made a mistake,"Alex said,"That doesn't mean he doesn't love you."

When Reggie didn't say anything Alex took in a deep breath.

"I'm just saying don't give up on him,"Alex said,"Screw Romeo and Juliet, you two are the greatest love story ever told."

Reggie smiled softly.

"Do think maybe you could make cinnamon rolls,"Reggie asked.

"I'll need an assistant,"Alex said.

"Okay,"Reggie said, pulling the covers away.

"Oh, but you definitely need to shower first,"Alex said,"Get into some new clothes."

Alex shooed him into the bathroom where Reggie could get clean.

Once he was dressed he left the room, and headed it to the kitchen where Alex was setting out the ingredients.

Julie and Flynn were watching from their place on the couch.

Alex had gotten Reggie out of his bed, and out of his room.

And showered in new clothes.

"Okay Reg, how about you start on the wet ingredients and I'll do the dry,"Alex said.

Half an hour later they were putting the rolls in the oven.

"C-can, would it be alright if,"Reggie started.

"Do you want me to call Luke,"Alex asked.

Reggie nodded.

"I'm not ready to see him just yet,"Reggie said,"But I want to talk to him."

Alex dialed on his phone before putting it to his ear.

"Hey Luke,"Alex said.

"Yeah, yeah Reggie's doing great actually."

"He knows, we tell him everyday."

"He actually, he wants to talk to you. Give me a minute."

Alex removed the phone from his ear and extends it towards Reggie.

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