Goodnight Kiss Pt. 2 (Luke x Reggie)

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Reggie was on shift with Willie, Julie, and Flynn.

Saturdays were the busiest so they all worked together, which was great considering they were all friends.

They also got to see the different musicians come throughout the day to perform.

"Reggie, can you get the next customer,"Julie asked.

"Why,"Reggie asked coming from the back and then seeing Luke.

"Hey,"Reggie said.

"Hey, I was just hoping to get one iced expresso with toffeenut, one iced black coffee, and a white mocha frap,"Luke said.

"Coming right up,"Reggie said,"Willie, can you help."

Willie came out from the back.

Julie was cleaning tables and Flynn took over the back.

"Is the frap for Alex,"Willie asked.

"Yeah, he's setting up. We're playing,"Luke said pointing to where Alex was putting a drumset together on the stage.

"I didn't know you signed up,"Reggie said.

"I had to once I found out we could play here,"Luke said,"Because it means I get to see you."

Willie had taken the drink over ot Alex, and Reggie handed the two other ones to Luke.

"I can't wait to hear you play,"Reggie said.

"I'll see you after,"Luke said before heaidng back to the small stage.

Luke's band was awesome.

Reggie thought the guy who was playing the bass, he think Luke said his name was Bobby, wasn't great but Luke had said he was just temporary.

They closed out the night, and Bobby took off pretty fast.

Willie had offered to help Alex load up his drums.

Flynn and Julie had gone into the back to pack up anything they hadn't sold today and clean up the kitchen area.

Reggie was wiping down tables.

"You don't have to do that,"Reggie said watching Luke start to wipe down a table.

Luke just ignored him.

After they finished Reggie was wiping down the counter.

"You guys were awesome,"Reggie said.

"I'm glad you liked it,"Luke said,"Bobby's not great at bass but we don't have another option until we find someone."

"You can tell he should be playing rythmic guitar,"Reggie said,"He doesn't hold the bass right."

"Wait, do you play,"Luke asked.

Reggie nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me,"Luke asked,"You could so be in the band."

"I don't know, I'm pretty busy with school and work,"Reggie said.

"Please,"Luke asked, making his puppy dog face.

"I'll think about it, and try to see if I can make room in my schedule,"Reggie said.

"Yay,"Luke cheered.

"Is Willie back from making out with Alex yet,"Flynn asked as she and Julie emerged from the back.

Reggie and Luke both shook their heads.

"Okay, well I'm about to lock up,"Julie said.

"Perfect timing, Alex just texted me saying if I don't get out there now, he's leaving without me,"Luke said.

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